SBI PO Previous Year Number Series Questions


SBI PO Previous Year Number Series Questions:

Number Series Previous Year Questions for SBI PO Prelims and Mains exam. Download SBI PO Number Series last year asked questions on missing number and wrong number in the series with solutions.

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Question 1: Which number comes in the place of the question mark (?)194, 232, 274, 320, ?

a) 430

b) 380

c) 370

d) 350

e) 360

Question 2: Which number comes in the place of the question mark (?)21, 37, 57, 81, ?

a) 110

b) 109

c) 108

d) 106

e) 112

Question 3: Which number comes in the place of the question mark (?)20, 39, 66, 101, ?

a) 144

b) 140

c) 120

d) 180

e) 128

Question 4: Which number comes in the place of the question mark (?)2, 2, 12, 12, 30, 30 ?

a) 49

b) 44

c) 56

d) 53

e) 40

Question 5: Which number comes in the place of the question mark (?)5, 7.5, 10, 12.5, 15 ?

a) 17

b) 17.5

c) 20

d) 20.5

e) 22.5

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Question 6: Which number comes in the place of the question mark (?)5, 10, 17, 26, 37, 50 ?

a) 66

b) 65

c) 67

d) 70

e) 64

Question 7: Which number comes in the place of the question mark (?)26, 65, 122, 197, ?

a) 300

b) 400

c) 390

d) 290

e) 280

Question 8: Which number comes in the place of the question mark (?)987, 587, 331, 187, 123, (?)

a) 104

b) 113

c) 107

d) 114

e) None of these

Question 9: Which number comes in the place of the question mark (?)121, 132, 167, 226, 309, (?)

a) 424

b) 413

c) 427

d) 416

e) None of these

Question 10: Which number comes in the place of the question mark (?)125, 171, 263, 401, 585, (?)

a) 835

b) 815

c) 792

d) 788

e) None of these

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Question 11: Which number comes in the place of the question mark (?)5963, ?, 5938, 5913, 5877, 5828

a) 5932

b) 5940

c) 5951

d) 5954

e) None of these

Question 12: Which number comes in the place of the question mark (?)8, 56, 336, 2352, 14112, ?

a) 98874

b) 98784

c) 87894

d) 84672

e) None of these

Question 13: Instructions: In the following number series only one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.
8424    4212    2106    1051    526.5    263.25    131.625

a) 131.625

b) 1051

c) 4212

d) 8424

e) 263.25

Question 14: Instructions: In the following number series only one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.
1 4 25 256 3125 46656 823543

a) 3125

b) 823543

c) 46656

d) 25

e) 256

Question 15: Instructions: In the following number series only one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.
9050 5675 3478 2147 1418 1077 950

a) 3478

b) 1418

c) 5673

d) 2147

e) 1077

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Question 16: Instructions: In the following number series only one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.
6    91    584    2935    11756    35277    70558

a) 91

b) 70558

c) 584

d) 2935

e) 35277

Question 17: Instructions: In the following number series only one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.
7    12    40    222    1742    17390    208608

a) 7

b) 12

c) 40

d) 1742

e) 208608

Question 18: Instructions: In the following number series only one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.
8424, 4212, 2106, 1051, 526.5, 263.25, 131.625

a) 131.625

b) 1051

c) 4212

d) 8424

e) 263.25

Question 19: Instructions: In the following number series only one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.
1, 4, 25, 256, 3125, 46656, 823543

a) 3125

b) 823543

c) 46656

d) 25

e) 256

Question 20: Instructions: In the following number series only one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.
9050, 5675, 3478, 2147, 1418, 1077, 950

a) 3478

b) 1418

c) 5673

d) 2147

e) 1077

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Question 21: Instructions: In the following number series only one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.
6, 91, 584, 2935, 11756, 35277, 70558

a) 91

b) 70558

c) 584

d) 2935

e) 35277

Question 22: Instructions: In the following number series only one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.
7, 12, 40, 222, 1742, 17390, 208608

a) 7

b) 12

c) 40

d) 1742

e) 208608

Question 23: 7,10,16,28,52,?,196

a) 100

b) 90

c) 160

d) 150

e) None of these

Question 24: 3,219,344,408,?,443,444

a) 416

b) 435

c) 423

d) 428

e) None of these

Question 25: 101,103,99,105,97,?,95

a) 93

b) 104

c) 108

d) 107

e) None of these

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (C)

194+38 = 232 ; 232+42 = 274 ; 274+46 = 320 ; 320+50 = 370

2) Answer (B)

21+16 = 37 ; 37+20 = 57 ; 57+24 = 81 ; 81+28 = 109

3) Answer (A)

20+19=39 ; 39+(19+8)=66 ; 66+(19+8+8)=101 ; 101+(19+8+8+8)=144

4) Answer (C)

$1^2+1=2$ ;

$2^2-2=2$ ;

$3^2+3=12$ ;

$4^2-4=12$ ;


$6^2-6=30$ ;


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5) Answer (B)

5+2.5 = 7.5 ; 7.5+2.5=10 ; 10+2.5=12.5 ; 12.5+2.5=15 ; 15+2.5=17.5

6) Answer (B)

1*2+3=5 ; 2*3+4=10 ; 3*4+5=17 ; 4*5+6=26 ; 5*6+7=37 ; 6*7+8=50 ; 7*8+9 = 65

7) Answer (D)

26=4*5+6 ; 65= 7*8+9 ; 122=10*11+12 ; 197= 13*14+15 ; 290 = 16*17+18

8) Answer (C)

9) Answer (D)

10) Answer (B)

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11) Answer (D)

$5963 – (3)^2$ = (5963 – 9) = 5954
$5954 – (4)^2$ = (5954 – 16) =5938
$5938 – (5)^2$ = (5938 – 25) = 5913
$5913 – (6)^2$ = (5913 – 36) = 5877
$5877 – (7)^2$ = (5877 – 49) = 5828

12) Answer (B)

8 × 7 = 56
56 × 6 = 336
336 × 7 = 2352
2352 × 6 = 14112
14112 × 7 = 98784

13) Answer (B)

$\frac{8424}{2}$ = 4212

$\frac{4212}{2}$ = 2106

$\frac{2106}{2}$ = 1053 ≠ 1051

$\frac{1051}{2}$ = 526.5

$\frac{525.5}{2}$ = 263.25

$\frac{263.25}{2}$ = 131.625

14) Answer (D)

1= 1 ,  22 = 4 , 33 = 27 ≠ 25 , 44 = 256 , 55 = 3125 , 66 = 46656 , 77 = 823543

15) Answer (E)

9070 – 15= 5675 , 5675 – 13= 3478 , 3478 – 11= 2147 , 2147 – 9= 1418 , 1418 – 7= 1075 ≠ 1077 , 1075 – 5= 950

16) Answer (C)

6 x  7 + 72 = 91 , 91 x 6 + 62 = 582 ≠ 584 , 582 x  5 + 52 = 2935,…

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17) Answer (D)

(7-1) x  2 = 12
(12 – 2) x 4 = 40
(40 – 3) x 6 = 222
(222 – 4) x 8 = 1744 ≠ 1742
(1744 – 5) x 10 = 17390
(17390 – 6) x 12 = 208608

18) Answer (B)

$\frac{8424}{2}$ = 4212

$\frac{4212}{2}$ = 2106

$\frac{2106}{2}$ = 1053 ≠ 1051

$\frac{1051}{2}$ = 526.5

$\frac{525.5}{2}$ = 263.25

$\frac{263.25}{2}$ = 131.625

19) Answer (D)

11 = 1 , 22 = 4 , 33 = 27 ≠ 25 , 44 = 256 , 55 = 3125 , 66 = 46656 , 77 = 823543

20) Answer (E)

9070 – 153 = 5675 , 5675 – 133 = 3478 , 3478 – 113 = 2147 , 2147 – 93 = 1418 , 1418 – 73 = 1075 ≠ 1077 , 1075 – 53 = 950

21) Answer (C)

6 x 7 + 72 = 91 , 91 x 6 + 62 = 582 ≠ 584 , 582 x 5 + 52 = 2935,…

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22) Answer (D)

(7-1) x 2 = 12
(12 – 2) x 4 = 40
(40 – 3) x 6 = 222
(222 – 4) x 8 = 1744 ≠ 1742
(1744 – 5) x 10 = 17390
(17390 – 6) x 12 = 208608

23) Answer (A)

In this series the nth term can be given by (previous term + 3*2n-2)

We are supposed to find 6th term, which is given as 52+3*24 = 52+48=100

24) Answer (B)

$219 – 3 = 216 = 6^3$

$344-219 = 125 = 5^3$

$408 – 344 = 64 = 4^3$

So, the number in the question mark equals $408+3^3 = 435$

25) Answer (D)

There are two Arithmetic progression series here, whose terms are written alternately.

101,99,97….with common difference -2

And 103,105 with common difference 2 and unknown term belongs to this series.

Thus, the unknown term is 107

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