SBI PO English Expected Questions 2019
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By actual count, the __(1)__ struck at my establishment seven hundred and sixty-four times in forty minutes, but __(2)__ on one of those faithful rods every time, and __(3)__ down the spiral-twist and shot into the earth before it probably had time to be __(4)__ at the way the thing was done. And through all that bombardment only one patch of slates was ripped up, and that was because, for a single instant, the rods in the __(5)__ were transporting all the lightning they could possibly accommodate.
Question 1: __(5)__
a) vicinity
b) time
c) moment
d) past
e) crevice
Question 2: __(4)__
a) complacent
b) surprised
c) stubborn
d) determined
e) intrepid
Select the phrase from the given options that can be used to connect the two sentences given below into a single sentence, implying the same meaning as the original sentences:
Question 3: Most students failed in the exam. The teacher set a tough question paper.
(i) Since the teacher had set a tough question paper,
(ii) Most students failed in the exam because …
(iii) Though the teacher had set a tough question paper, ..
a) Only (i)
b) Only (ii)
c) Only (iii)
d) Both (i) and (ii)
e) Both (ii) and (iii)
Question 4: Preetha belonged to an influential family. Preetha decided to compete on an equal footing with others.
(i) Since Preetha is from an influential family,…
(ii) Though Preetha is from an influential family,…
(iii) Preetha decided to compete on an equal footing with others despite being….
a) Only (i)
b) Only (ii)
c) Only (iii)
d) Both (i) and (ii)
e) Both (ii) and (iii)
Question 5: Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group ?
a) Rose
b) Jasmine
c) Hibiscus
d) Marigold
e) Lotus
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Question 6: Four of the five are alike in a certain way and so form a group, identify the odd one out.
a) Pine
b) Bamboo
c) Deodar
d) Eucalyptus
e) Teak
In each of the following questions given below, a sentence is given with some bold words which may contain errors. Below each of the sentence, a table is given with two columns in which column ‘A’ contains the list of bold words, and in column ‘B’ the suggested corrections are listed. You have to choose the best alternate among the four given options. If no correction is required against the given bold words, mark (e) .i.e. “None of the above” as your answer.
Question 7: The event got cancel due to haphazard arrangements done by the incompetent event managers from the reputable company.
a) (1) – (5) and (4) – (8)
b) (2) – (6)
c) (3) – (7)
d) (4) – (8)
e) None of the above
Question 8: Given the amount of attention the rude lady got from the people, it seems rather fit to see her image tarnished in the society.
a) (1) – (5)
b) (4) – (8)
c) (2) – (6)
d) (3) – (7)
e) None of the above
In each question below, four words which are numbered a, b, c and d have been printed of which one may be wrongly spelt. The number of that word is the answer. If all the four words are correctly spelt mark e. i.e. ‘All correct’ as the answer.
Question 9:
a) Friendship
b) Soldiar
c) Grandeur
d) Familiar
e) All correct
Question 10:
a) Discouraged
b) Proceeding
c) Disastarous
d) Innocent
e) All correct
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In the following questions two columns are given containing three sentences/phrases each. In the first column, sentences/phrases are A, B and C and in the second column, the sentences/phrases are D, E and F. A sentence/phrase from the first column may or may not connect with another sentence/phrase from the second column to make a grammatically and contextually correct sentence. Each question has five options, four of which display the sequence(s) in which the sentences/phrases can be joined to form a grammatically and contextually correct sentence. If none of the options given forms a correct sentence after combination, mark (e), i.e. “None of these” as your answer.
Question 11:

a) A-F
b) A-D
c) C-F
d) B-D
e) None of these
In the following questions two columns are given containing three sentences/phrases each. In the first column, sentences/phrases are A, B and C and in the second column, the sentences/phrases are D, E and F. A sentence/phrase from the first column may or may not connect with another sentence/phrase from the second column to make a grammatically and contextually correct sentence. Each question has five options, four of which display the sequence(s) in which the sentences/phrases can be joined to form a grammatically and contextually correct sentence. If none of the options given forms a correct sentence after combination, mark (e), i.e. “None of these” as your answer.
Question 12:
a) A-D
b) B-D
c) B-F
d) C-E
e) None of these
In each of these questions, two sentences are given. These two sentences are to be combined into a single sentence without changing their meaning. Three probable starters of the combined sentence are given as (A), (B) and (C). Any one or more of none of them may be correct. Find out the correct starter(S) and accordingly select your answer among the given five answer choices.
Question 13: It is very cold here. You must carry warm clothes with you.
A. Since you must…
B. As it is very…
C. If it is very…
a) Only 1
b) Only 2
c) Only 3
d) Only 1 and 3
e) 2 and 3
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words so as to form a meaningful sentence.
Question 14: Sonia is an amazing _______________. She can make a boring story __________ with her eloquence.
a) reticent, interesting
b) raconteur, piquant
c) orator, bland
d) speaker, moot
e) idol, interesting
Given below are six sentences (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) and (F). Answer the following questions after rearranging the following sentences into a coherent paragraph.
(A) The 360 series release in the 1960s was the major workhouse of the large organizations.
(B) Its ex-employees then set up Computer Maintenance Corporation, with the primary object of maintaining IBM computers.
(C) From the 1950s, IBM had a virtual monopoly of computers in India.
(D) However in 1978, when George Fernandes, ministry of industries at that time, commanded IBM to take local shareholders into its subsidiary, the company refused strictly.
(E) They even maintained a chain of programmers who could write down software for their machines.
(F) It went back after winding up its all operations in India.
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Question 15: Considering the statement (E) “They even maintained a chain of programmers who could write down software’s for their machines.” as the third sentence of the rearranged paragraph, then which of the following will be the last sentence of the paragraph?
a) C
b) F
c) A
d) B
e) D
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Given below are six sentences (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) and (F). Answer the following questions after rearranging the following sentences into a coherent paragraph.
A) Doubt and disbelief were carried into every investigation.
B) In ten short years a mighty revolution in the intellect of man took place.
C) It was in a country that may be considered the cradle of the future weal and woe, perhaps of the universe.
D) In ten short years we beheld Montesquieu, Raynal, Rousseau, Voltaire, Condillac, Helvetius, beaming like rising meteors in the dark firmament, and shedding a fearful gleam on the past, the present, and the future.
E) No longer trusting in blind confidence to the scholastic rules of those dignitaries of science whose conclusions were considered sufficient to command our faith, man became sceptical and positive.
F) We boldly tracked a path once trodden with groping steps by Bacon, Descartes, Hobbes, and Gassendi!
Question 16: If statement D comes 3rd in the sequence of the rearranged paragraph, then which among the following sentences becomes the first sentence after rearrangement?
a) C
b) F
c) E
d) A
e) None of the above
Question 17: In the following questions, a sentence or a part of a sentence is underlined. Below are given alternatives to the underlined part which may improve the sentence.
The rooms and courtyards in which she had lived was strangely unfamiliar courtesy their elaborate decking in honor of the event.
a) was strangely unfamiliar with their elaborate decking
b) were strangely familiar in their elaborate decking
c) was strange and unfamiliar due to their elaborate decks
d) were strangely unfamiliar with their elborate decking
e) no correction is required
Question 18: In the following questions, a sentence or a part of a sentence is underlined. Below are given alternatives to the underlined part which may improve the sentence.
The girl, holding the jewels thus in her hand that she might feel their nearness, saw them glow into warmer color as she held them, as though her touch breath life into them.
a) as though her touch breathes life into them.
b) as if her touch has breathed the life out of them.
c) as though her touch breathed life into them.
d) as though her touch enlivened the life into them.
e) no correction is required.
In each of the questions given below, a paragraph is given which has some blanks and those blanks have to be filled with the same word out of five words given below it. You have to choose that same word as your answer and fill up the blanks with that appropriate word.
Question 19: Given the amount of ______ needed to go forward, it seemed unlikely that the team would do it. The ________ about the time needed left the team in a state of standstill. Had the new _______ about the objective not come, no one would have done anything.
a) conclusion
b) inference
c) report
d) information
e) analyzed
Question 20: The _____ of the defendant about his whereabouts during the time in question were so outlandish that even the employees of the ______ department of the insurance company were surprised. However, after a long legal battle, the court ruled in favour of the defendant and his ______ were found to be true.
a) narrative
b) stories
c) tale
d) myths
e) claims
Answers & Solutions:
1) Answer (A)
Among the given options ‘vicinity’ which means surrounding area completes the sentence meaningfully. Hence, option A.
2) Answer (B)
‘complacent’ means self-satisfied. ‘stubborn’ means ‘adamant’. ‘intrepid’ means ‘fearless’. Clearly, option b fits best. Hence, option B is the correct choice.
3) Answer (D)
The teacher had set a tough question paper. As a result, most students failed in the exam.
(i) and (ii) try to provide a reason for most students failing the exam. (iii) tries to present a counter-intuitive statement. Therefore, we can eliminate (iii).
Both (i) and (ii) can be used to start the sentence and hence, option D is the right answer.
4) Answer (E)
Preetha is from an influential family but she decided to compete on an equal footing. She did not use her privilege.
(i) tries to present being from an influential family as the reason. We can eliminate (i).
Both (ii) and (iii) can be used to begin the sentence and hence, option E is the right answer.
5) Answer (E)
6) Answer (B)
Bamboo is grass, others are trees.
7) Answer (A)
Option A is correct because both cancel and reputable are grammatically incorrect whereas there replacements are grammatically correct. Option B is incorrect because haphazard means more than just dangerous. It can mean mismanaged as well. Option C is incorrect because hard-working does not fit in this context. Option D is correct as reputable is grammatically correct but since there are 2 corrections, option A will be the correct option.
8) Answer (D)
Option A is incorrect because in the context, amount fits with attention. Option B is incorrect because tarnished is a better word when talking about the image of someone. Option C is incorrect because people is a better fit than public in the given scenario. Option D is correct because fit is not grammatically correct in the sentence.
9) Answer (B)
The correct spelling in option B will be ‘Soldier’. Hence B is the correct answer.
10) Answer (C)
In option C, word ‘Disastrous’ is incorrectly spelt as ‘Disastarous’. Hence, option C is the correct answer.
11) Answer (A)
The possible combinations are:
A-F: If you really want to make a compelling case then your arguments must be backed by hard facts.
C-E: My disbelieve in the existence of God makes me an agnostic and not an atheist.
Among the given options only A-F is present. Hence, option A.
12) Answer (E)
From the options, we can see that all the sentences make sense logically and are grammatically correct.
13) Answer (B)
14) Answer (B)
Both the words interesting and piquant fit the second blank. But, only raconteur fits the first blank. Hence, option B is the correct answer.
15) Answer (D)
(C) is the opening sentence which introduces the stature of IBM in India. (A) further provides details to strengthen (C). (E) adds more information about IBM. (D) states an event which took place and had an adverse effect on the operations of IBM in India. (F) mentions the impact of the event mentioned in the previous sentence. (B) explains the initiative taken by the ex-employees.
Thus, the correct order is C – A – E – D – F – B. Therefore, the last sentence of the rearranged paragraph is (B).
Hence, option D is the correct answer.
16) Answer (E)
After reading the passage we can see that the author is differentiating between the times now and those earlier.
The correct order is B-C-D-F-E-A
Hence, Option E is correct.
17) Answer (D)
The room appeared unfamiliar due to the decoration. ‘were’ should be used instead of ‘was’ since the sentence contains multiple subjects. Also, ‘decking’ should be used (to denote that the place has been decorated). Therefore, option D is the right answer.
18) Answer (C)
The part of the sentence preceding the underlined part is in the simple past tense. ‘Her touch breathed life into them’ is the correct form. Therefore, option C is the right answer.
19) Answer (D)
Option A,B,C are incorrect as they do not fit the context in the first blank. Option D seems logically and grammatically correct. Option E is incorrect as it is incorrect grammatically.
20) Answer (E)
All the options other than option E are incorrect because they do not go in the context when placed in the second blank. Thus, option E is the correct answer.