RRB Group-D Reasoning Questions Set-2 PDF
Download Top-15 RRB Group-D Reasoning Questions Set-2 PDF. RRB GROUP-D General Reasoning questions based on asked questions in previous exam papers very important for the Railway Group-D exam.
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Question 1: If PIG is coded as 1697, then what will be the code for GOAT?
a) 715122
b) 715120
c) 715123
d) 715121
Question 2: Which of the following correctly represents the relationship between the given classes?
A) Spades
B) Hearts
C) Deck of cards




Question 3: Jayant introduces a man to his friend as his wife’s father’s son. The man is Jayant’s ………
a) brother-in-law
b) sister-in-law
c) father-in-law
d) daughter-in-law
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Question 4: How many triangles are there in the below figure?

a) 6
b) 12
c) 10
d) 8
Question 5: V is the daughter of MX and N is the daughter of NX. MX and NX have the same father. V and N are:
a) Sister-in-law
b) Cousins
c) Paternal Aunt
d) Maternal Aunt
Question 6: Nikhil meets a boy at the park. The boy identifies Nikhil as his father’s younger brother. Nikhil is the boy’s ……..
a) father
b) maternal uncle
c) cousin
d) paternal uncle
RRB Group D previous year papers
Question 7: How many triangles are there in the following figure?

a) 8
b) 12
c) 11
d) 17
Question 8: Garima and her sister together can paint the walls of their house in 45 days. If Garima alone did the job, it would have taken her 81 days. If the duo started painting together but Garima’s sister had to leave 9 days before the completion of the work, how many days in all would it take the sisters to paint their house?
a) 49
b) 48
c) 52
d) 50
Question 9: If E and A are daughters of B and A is married to V. then how is V related to E?
a) Son-in-law
b) Father-in-law
c) Brother-in-law
d) Mother-in-law
Question 10: Find the odd one out.

a) C
b) B
c) D
d) A
RRB Group-D Important Questions (download PDF)
Question 11: Meet starts cycling early in the morning, facing the Sun. After some time, he takes a 45° turn to his left and then again turns 80° towards his left. In which direction is he now with respect to his initial position?
a) South-East
b) South-West
c) North-West
d) North-East
Question 12: How many triangles are there in the following figure?

a) 48
b) 32
c) 46
d) 30
Question 13: Select the lateral mirror image of TEETH from the given option figures?

a) C
b) D
c) A
d) B
Question 14: How many triangles are there in this figure?

a) 21
b) 23
c) 22
d) 20
Question 15: Which of the following correctly represents the relationship between the following classes?
A) Bell
B) Water
C) Brass




General Science Notes for RRB Exams (PDF)
RRB Group-D Important Questions (download PDF)
Answers & Solutions:
1) Answer (B)
2) Answer (A)
3) Answer (A)
4) Answer (E)
5) Answer (B)
6) Answer (D)
7) Answer (D)
8) Answer (A)
9) Answer (C)
10) Answer (C)
11) Answer (C)
12) Answer (E)
13) Answer (D)
14) Answer (B)
15) Answer (A)
We hope this Reasoning Questions Set-2 for RRB Group-D Exam will be highly useful for your preparation.