RRB Group-D Reasoning Expected Questions 2019 PDF

RRB Group-D Reasoning Expected Questions PDF
RRB Group-D Reasoning Expected Questions PDF

RRB Group-D Reasoning Expected Questions 2019 PDF

Download Top-15 RRB Group-D Reasoning Expected Questions PDF. RRB GROUP-D Reasoning questions based on asked questions in previous exam papers very important for the Railway Group-D exam.

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Question 1: Six years ago, the sum of Ram and his father’s ages was 32 years old. 16 years from now, the ratio of their ages will be 12:7. Find out the ratio of their ages at present?

a) $\frac{8}{3}$

b) $\frac{11}{3}$

c) $\frac{7}{3}$

d) 2

Question 2: Vishak’s age is 5 times the present age of Deepak. After 5 years, Vishak’s age will be 3 times the age of Deepak. What is the present age of Vishak?

a) 9 years

b) 11 years

c) 25 years

d) 8 years

Question 3: Arrange the given words in the sequence in which they occur in the dictionary:
1. Reputation
2. Reptile
3. Republic
4. Replicate
5. Repository

a) 42531

b) 43251

c) 45312

d) 45231

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Question 4: In the following question, a series is given with one or more alphabet missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given options.





Question 5: Two position of a cube are shown below. What will come opposite to face containing ‘*’ ?

a) $

b) #

c) $ or #

d) @

Question 6: Weight of P is twice that of Q. Weight of Q is half of R. Weight of R is 3 times of T. Weight of T is half of S. Who is the heaviest?

a) P

b) Q

c) R

d) P or R

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Question 7: Suraj is shorter than Gopal but taller than Tarun. Rajan is the tallest and Shivam is shorter than Suraj but not the shortest. Who is the third shortest?

a) Gopal

b) Suraj

c) Rajan

d) Shivam

Question 8: Six books are kept one above the other. Hindi is just above Sanskrit. The English is between Mathematics and Science. Law is between Hindi and Mathematics. Which book is at the fourth position from top?

a) Mathematics

b) Law

c) Hindi

d) English

Question 9: Weight of Arun is 4/7 of the weight of Bablu. Weight of Bablu is 1/2 of the weight of Ram. Weight of Ram is 4 times of the weight of Deep. Weight of Deep is 1/9 of the weight of Ankit. Whose weight is more than the weight of Deep but less than the weight of Bablu?

a) Ankit

b) Arun

c) Ram

d) Deep

Question 10: In a row of swimmers Manish, is 23rd from the left end. Ramesh is 11 ranks to the left of Manish. If Ramesh is 16th from right end, then how many swimmers are there in this row?

a) 28

b) 27

c) 30

d) 29

RRB Group-D Important Questions (download PDF)

Question 11: The printed price of a book is 60. But the seller allows successive discounts of 20% and 30%. The net sale price is subject to a sales tax of 5%, the net sale price is

a) 36.28

b) 33.60

c) 36.60

d) 35.28

Question 12: The cost price of a book is 300. The shopkeeper wants to gain 20% after allowing a discount of 10% on the marked price. Then the marked price of the book must be

a) 360

b) 336

c) 400

d) 396

Question 13: The value of $\sqrt[6]{.000729}$ is

a) 0.027

b) 0.3

c) 0.03

d) 0.09

Question 14: The simplified value of
$\frac{112}{\sqrt{196}}\times\frac{\sqrt{576}}{12}\times\frac{\sqrt{256}}{8}\ is$

a) 12

b) 8

c) 16

d) 32

Question 15: A, B and C can do a piece of work in 20,24 and 30 days respectively. They undertook to do the piece of work for 5,400. They begin the work together, but B left 2 days before the completion of work and C left 5 days before the completion of work. The share of A from the assured money is

a) 2,700

b) 540

c) 1,800

d) 600

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (A)

Let us assume that present age of Ram and his father are x and y respectively. (y > x)
We know that, (x – 6)+ (y – 6) = 32
$\Rightarrow$ x + y = 44 … (1)
16 years later,
$\Rightarrow$ $\frac{y+16}{x+16} = \frac{12}{7}$
$\Rightarrow$ 7y + 112 = 12x + 192
$\Rightarrow$ 7y – 12x = 80 … (2)
Solving both the equation, we get,
12y + 7y = 44*12 + 80
y = 32 therefore x = 44 – 32 = 12 years
Hence the ration of their ages =$\frac{32}{12} = \frac{8}{3}$ (Answer :A)

2) Answer (C)

Vishak is 5 times the present age of Deepak
V = 5 (D)
After 5 years, if Vishak is 3 times the age of Deepak at that time
V + 5 = 3(D + 5)
From the above two equations,
5D + 5 = 3D + 15
D = 5 years and V will be 25 years.

3) Answer (D)

As per the order of dictionary,

= Replicate -> Repository -> Reptile -> Republic -> Reputation

$\equiv$ 45231

=> Ans – (D)

4) Answer (C)

Expression : X_ZY_X_YZY_X

The above series is a combination of terms containing 3 letters of the form ‘XYZ’ and ‘YZX’ alternatively.


=> Ans – (C)

5) Answer (B)

6) Answer (D)

Let weight of S = $4x$ kg

=> T’s weight = $\frac{4x}{2}=2x$ kg

=> R’s weight = $3\times2x=6x$ kg

=> Q’s weight = $\frac{6x}{2}=3x$ kg

=> P’s weight = $2\times3x=6x$ kg

Thus, arranging in decreasing order : $P=R>S>Q>T$

$\therefore$ P or R is the heaviest.

=> Ans – (D)

7) Answer (B)

Suraj is shorter than Gopal but taller than Tarun, => Gopal > Suraj > Tarun

Shivam is shorter than Suraj but not the shortest, => Gopal > Suraj > Shivam > Tarun

Also, Rajan is the tallest. Thus the heights in decreasing order is :

Rajan > Gopal > Suraj > Shivam > Tarun

$\therefore$ Suraj is the third shortest.

=> Ans – (B)

8) Answer (B)

Hindi is just above Sanskrit and Law is between Hindi and Mathematics.

=> Law is just above Hindi and Mathematics is just above Law.

Also, The English is between Mathematics and Science, => There are 2 more books above Mathematics, hence Sanskrit book is at the end.

Thus, final arrangement is :

$\therefore$ Law book is at the fourth position from top.

=> Ans – (B)

9) Answer (B)

Let weight of Ankit = $9x$ kg

=> Deep’s weight = $\frac{1}{9}\times9x=x$ kg

=> Ram’s weight = $4\times x=4x$ kg

=> Weight of Bablu = $\frac{4x}{2}=2x$ kg

=> Arun’s weight = $\frac{4}{7}\times2x=1.14x$ kg

$\therefore$ Ankit > Ram > Bablu > Arun > Deep

Thus, Arun’s weight is more than the weight of Deep but less than the weight of Bablu.

=> Ans – (B)

10) Answer (B)

Manish’s position from left end = 23rd

Ramesh is 11 ranks to the left of Manish, => Ramesh’s position form left end = 23 – 11 = 12th

Also, Ramesh’s position from right end = 16th

=> Number of swimmers = $(12+16)-1=27$

=> Ans – (B)

11) Answer (D)

After the discount the price of book will be,

70% of 80% of 60 = 0.7 x 0.8 x 60 (or) 33.6

After the sales tax of 5% the price of book will be,

105% of 33.6 = 35.28

Hence, option D is the correct answer.

12) Answer (C)

Cost price of the book = 300

Shop keeper wants to gain 20% i.e s.p = 360

Selling price should be 360 after giving a discount of 10%,

90% of MRP = 360

MRP = 400

Hence, option C is the correct answer.

13) Answer (B)

Given equation can be written as,

$\sqrt[6]{729 / 1000000}$

$\sqrt[6]{3^{6} / 10^{6}}$

$\frac{3}{10} = 0.3$

Hence, option B is the correct answer.

14) Answer (D)

Given equation,



$8 \times 2 \times 2 $


Hence, option D is the correct answer.

15) Answer (A)

Given A, B and C can do a piece of work in 20,24 and 30 days respectively

Let the work be completed in $x$ days

$\Rightarrow \frac{x}{20} + \frac{x – 2}{24} + \frac{x – 5}{30} = 1$

$\Rightarrow \frac{6x + 5(x -2) + 4(x – 5)}{120} = 1$

$\Rightarrow \frac{6x + 5x -10 + 4x – 20}{120} = 1$

$\Rightarrow 6x + 5x + 4x = 120 + 30$

$\Rightarrow 15x = 150 \Rightarrow x = 10$

Work done by A,

$\frac{10}{20} \times 5400 = 2700$

Hence, option A is the correct answer.


We hope this Reasoning Expected Questions for RRB Group-D Exam will be highly useful for your preparation.


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