Ratio and Proportion Questions for TISSNET 2022- Download PDF

Ratio and Proportion Questions for TISSNET 2022
Ratio and Proportion Questions for TISSNET 2022

Ratio and Proportion Questions for TISSNET 2022- Download PDF

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Question 1: Five eighth of a number is equal to 60% of another number. What is the ratio between the first number and the second number respectively ?

a) 13:12

b) 12:13

c) 25:24

d) 24:25

e) None of these

Question 2: Salaries of A, B and C are in the ratio 2 : 3 : 5. If their salaries were increased by 15%, 10% and 20% respectively, what will be the new ratio of their salaries ?

a) 3: 3: 10

b) 23: 33: 60

c) 10: 11: 20

d) Can’t be determined

e) None of these

Question 3: Ratio of the earnings of A and B is 4 : 7. If the earnings of A increase by 50% and the earnings of B decrease by 25% the new ratio of their earnings becomes 8 : 7. What are A’s earnings ?

a) Rs. 26, 000

b) Rs. 28, 000

c) Rs. 21, 000

d) Data inadequate

e) None of these

Question 4: Seats for Maths, Physics and Biology are in the ratio of 5:7:8 respectively. There is a proposal to increase these seats by 40% 50% and 75% respectively. What will be the respective ratio of increased seats ?

a) 2:3:4

b) 6:7:8

c) :6:8:9

d) Cannot be determined

e) None of these

Question 5: The sum of two numbers is equal to 27 and their product is equal to 182. What are the two numbers?

a) 15, 12

b) 11, 16

c) 9, 18

d) 13, 14

e) 19, 8

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Question 6: A bag of fruits was distributed among 4 students P, Q, R and S. P took 3/8th of the fruits. Q took 1/5th of the remaining fruits and the remaining fruits were equally distributed among R and S. What fraction of fruits did R get?

a) 1/4

b) 3/8

c) 1/8

d) 5/16

e) Other than those as options

Question 7: If the numerator of a fraction is increased by 250% and the denominator is increased by 400%. The resultant fraction is $\frac{7}{19}$. What is the original fraction ?

a) $\frac{10}{19}$

b) $\frac{5}{9}$

c) $\frac{9}{5}$

d) $\frac{19}{5}$

e) None of these

Question 8: A sum of money is divided among A, B, C, and D in the ratio of 2:3:7:11. If the share of C is Rs 2,755 more than the share of A then what is the total amount of money of B and D together ?

a) Rs 4,408

b) Rs 5,510

c) Rs 6,612

d) Rs 7,714

e) None of these

Question 9: Mr. X invested a certain amount in Debt and Equity funds in the ratio of 4 : 5 respectively. At the end of one year, he earned a total divided by 30%on his investment. After one year he reinvested the amount including dividend in the ratio of 6 : 7 in Debt and Equity Funds. If the amount reinvested in Equity Funds was Rs. 94,500/-, what was the original amount invested in Equity Funds?

a) Rs. 75,000

b) Rs. 81,000

c) Rs. 60,000

d) Rs. 65,000

e) None of these

Question 10: At present Anil is 1.5 times Purvi’s age. Eight years hence the respective ratio between Anil and Purvi’s age then will be 25: 18. What is the Purvi’s present age?

a) 50 yr

b) 28 yr

c) 42 yr

d) 36 yr

e) None of these

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Question 11: The ratio of the present age of Manisha and Deepali is 5 : X. Manisha is 9 years younger than Parineeta. Parineeta’s age after 9 years will be 33 years. The difference between Deepali’s and Manisha’s age is the same as the present age of Parineeta. What should come in place of X?

a) 23

b) 39

c) 15

d) Cannot be determined

e) None of these

Question 12: Six years ago Jagannath was twice as old as Badri if the ratio of their present age is 9:5 respectively .What is the difference between their present ages?

a) 24

b) 30

c) 50

d) Cannot determined

e) None of these

Question 13: An amount of Rs 1,25,000 is to be distributed among the Sudhir,Soni,Shakunthala in the respective ratio of 2 : 3 : 5.What will be the difference between Soni’s and Sudhir’s  Share?

a) 25000

b) 12500

c) 18750

d) 2500

e) None of these

Question 14: The respective ratio between the monthly salaries of Rene and Som is 5 : 3. Out of her monthly salary Rene gives ${1 \over 6}$th as rent, ${1 \over 5}$th to her mother, 30% as her education loan and keeps 25% aside for miscellaneous expenditure. Remaining Rs. 5000 she keeps as savings. What is Som’s monthly salary?

a) Rs. 21000

b) Rs. 24000

c) Rs. 27000

d) Rs. 36000

e) Rs. 18000

Question 15: A and B started a business with initial investments in the respective ratio of 18 : 7. After four months from the start of the business, A invested Rs. 2000 more and B invested Rs. 7000 more. At the end of one year, if the profit was distributed among them in the ratio of 2 : 1 respectively, what was the total initial investment with which A and B started the business?

a) Rs. 50,000

b) Rs. 25,000

c) Rs. 1,50,000

d) Rs. 75,000

e) Rs. 1,25,000

Question 16: A starts a small business with Rs. 3600. At the end of few months from the start of business, B joined the business with Rs. 4000. If the annual profit between A and B was divided between them in the respective ratio of 6 : 5, then B joined the business after how many months from the start of the business?

a) Four

b) Two

c) Six

d) Five

e) Three

Question 17: In a class, the respective ratio between the number of boys and the number of girls is 3:1. A test was conducted, wherein the average score of the boys was 73, while that of the entire class was 71. What was the average score of the girls?

a) 68

b) 71

c) 67

d) 65

e) 63

Question 18: Jar A contains 78 litres of milk and water in the respective ratio of 6 : 7. 26 litres of the mixture was taken out from Jar A. What quantity of milk should be added to jarA, so that water constitutes 40% of the resultant mixture in jar A?

a) 8 litres

b) 36 litres

c) 12 litres

d) 14 litres

e) 18 litres

Question 19: Of the two numbers, 48 per cent of first number is 60 per cent of the second number. What is the respective ratio of the first number to the second number ?

a) 4 : 7

b) 3 : 4

c) 5 : 4

d) Cannot be determined

e) None of these

Question 20: A sum of money is divided among A, B, C and D in the ratio of 4 : 5 : 7 : 11 respectively. If the share of C is Rs. 1,351/- then what is the total amount of money of A and D together?

a) Rs. 2,123/-

b) Rs. 2,316/-

c) Rs. 2,565/-

d) Rs. 2,895/-

e) None of these

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (D)

Let the two numbers be X and Y.
So, $\frac{5}{8}*X = 60 \% Y$
Or, $\frac{5}{8}*X = \frac{3}{5}*Y$
So, $\frac{X}{Y} = \frac{24}{25}$

Hence, the required ratio is 24:25

2) Answer (B)

Let the salaries of A, B and C be 2S,3S and 5S.
If salary of A is increased by 15%, the salary becomes 2S*115% = 2.3S
If salary of B is increased by 10%, the salary becomes 3S*110% = 3.3S
If salary of C is increased by 20%, the salary becomes 5S*120% = 6S

Hence, the new ratio of their salaries becomes 2.3:3.3:6 = 23:33:60

3) Answer (D)

Let the earnings of A and B be 4X and 7X respectively.
If earnings of A increase by 50%, he earns 4X*150% = 6X
If earnings of B decrease by 50%, he earns 7X*75% = 21/4X
So, the new ratio becomes 6X:21/4X = 8:7

This information doesn’t give any new information about the value of X and hence it’s value can’t be determined.

4) Answer (A)

Let the original number of seats in Maths, Physics and Biology be 5X, 7X and 8X.
So, the respective increases in seats equals 5X*0.4, 7X*0.5 and 8X*0.75
That is 2X, 3.5X and 6X

Hence, the final number of seats equals 5X+2X,7X+3.5X and 8X+6X = 7X,10.5X,14X
So, the final ratio is 7:10.5:14 = 2:3:4

5) Answer (D)

Let x and y be the two numbers.
x+y = 27
x*y = 182
x + (182/x) = 27
x^2 – 27x + 182 = 0
x^2 – 14x – 13x +182 = 0
(x-13)(x-14) = 0
x = 13 or x = 14
y = 14 or y = 13
13 and 14 are the numbers.

6) Answer (A)

Let P+Q+R+S = x where x is bag of fruits.
P = (3/8)x
Q = (1/5)*5x/8 = x/8
Let R and S be fraction by y.
Fruits with R and S = x -3x/8 – x/8 = x/2
SO fruits with R = x/4

7) Answer (A)

Let the two numbers be a,b

We have the new fraction as (a+2.5a)/b+4b=7/19;


After simplification we get 10:19 As the answer.

8) Answer (D)

Let x be the total amount of money.
Here, share of C is Rs 2,755 more than the share of A i.e
Share of C – Share of A = 2755
i.e (7x/23) – (2x/23) = 2755
Hence, x= 12,673
Total amount of money with B and D together = (3+11)x/23 = 14x/23 = (14*12673)/23 = 7714
Correct option is D.


9) Answer (A)

Since the amount reinvested is in the ratio 6:7,

the amount reinvested in equity is $\frac{7}{6+7}$ of total amount.

$\frac{7}{13}$ x = 94500

x = 94500*13/7

Since there was a 30% profit on this amount,

Original amount = (94500*13)/(7*1.3) = 135000

Amount invested in equity =$\frac{5}{5+4}*135000$ = 75000

10) Answer (B)

Since Anil’s age is 1.5 times the Purvi’s age,

Purvi’s age = x

Anil’s age = 1.5x

$\frac{1.5x+8}{x+8} = \frac{25}{18}$

(1.5x+8)18 = 25(x+8)

27x+144 = 25x+200

2x = 56

x = 28

11) Answer (E)

Parineeta’s present age = 33 – 9 = 24 yrs.
Manisha’s present age = 24 – 9 = 15yrs
Difference between Manisha and Deepali’s prresent ages = Parineeta’s present age
Deepali’s present age = Parineeta’s present age + Manisha’s present age = 24 + 15 = 39 yrs.
Ratio of the present age of Manisha and Deepali = 15 : 39 = 5 : 13
x = 13

12) Answer (A)

Let present age of Jagannath = $9x$ years

=> Badri’s present age = $5x$ years

According to ques, => $(9x-6)=2 \times (5x-6)$

=> $9x-6=10x-12$

=> $10x-9x=12-6$

=> $x=6$

$\therefore$ Difference between their present ages = $9x-5x=4x$

= $4 \times 6=24$

=> Ans – (A)

13) Answer (B)

Let amount received by Sudhir,Soni and Shakunthala be $2x,3x$ and $5x$ respectively.

=> Total amount = $(2x+3x+5x)=125,000$

=> $10x=125,000$

=> $x=\frac{125,000}{10}=12500$

$\therefore$ Difference between Soni’s and Sudhir’s  Share = $3x-2x=x = Rs.$ $12,500$

=> Ans – (B)

14) Answer (D)

Let monthly salary of Rene = $Rs. 1500x$

=> Monthly salary of Som = $Rs. 900x$

Amount given as rent by Rene = $\frac{1}{6} \times 1500x = 250x$

Amount given by Rene to her mother = $\frac{1}{5} \times 1500x = 300x$

Amount for loan = $\frac{30}{100} \times 1500x = 450x$

Amount kept aside = $\frac{25}{100} \times 1500x = 375x$

=> Amount left = $1500x – (250x + 300x + 450x + 375x) = 5000$

=> $1500x – 1375x = 125x = 5000$

=> $x = \frac{5000}{125} = 40$

$\therefore$ Som’s salary = $900 \times 40 = Rs. 36,000$

15) Answer (A)

Let amount invested by A = $Rs. 18x$

=> Amount invested by B = $Rs. 7x$

After four months from the start of the business, A invested Rs. 2000 more and B invested Rs. 7000 more

Thus, ratio of profit received by A : B

= $[(18x \times 4) + (18x + 2000) \times 8] : [(7x \times 4) + (7x + 7000) \times 8]$

= $(72x + 144x + 16000) : (28x + 56x + 56000)$

= $(216x + 16000) : (84x + 56000) = (54x + 4000) : (21x + 14000)$

Acc. to ques, => $\frac{54x + 4000}{21x + 14000} = \frac{2}{1}$

=> $54x + 4000 = 42x + 28000$

=> $54x – 42x = 12x = 28000 – 4000 = 24000$

=> $x = \frac{24000}{12} = 2000$

$\therefore$ Total initial investment = $18x + 7x = 25x$

= $25 \times 2000 = Rs. 50,000$

16) Answer (E)

Let B remained in the business for $x$ months.

Amount invested by A = Rs. 3600

Amount invested by B = Rs. 4000

Ratio of share in profit received by A and B

=> $\frac{3600 \times 12}{4000 \times x} = \frac{6}{5}$

=> $\frac{9 \times 2}{10 \times x} = \frac{1}{5}$

=> $x = \frac{18 \times 5}{10} = 9$

$\therefore$ B joined the business after = $12 – 9 = 3$ months from the start of the business.

17) Answer (D)

Let number of boys = $3x$

=> Number of girls = $x$

Let average score of girls = $y$

Acc. to ques,

=> $\frac{(73 \times 3x) + (y \times x)}{3x + x} = 71$

=> $\frac{x (219 + y)}{4x} = 71$

=> $219 + y = 71 \times 4 = 284$

=> $y = 284 – 219 = 65$

18) Answer (E)

Jar A has 78 litres of mixture of milk and water in the respective ratio of 6 : 7

=> Quantity of milk in Jar A = $\frac{6}{13} \times 78 = 36$ litres

Quantity of water in Jar A = $78 – 36 = 42$ litres

26 litres of the mixture was taken out from Jar A, i.e., $\frac{26}{78} = (\frac{1}{3})^{rd}$

=> Milk left = $36 – \frac{1}{3} \times 36 = 24$

Water left = $42 – \frac{1}{3} \times 42 = 28$

Let milk added to jar A = $x$ litres

Acc. to ques, => $\frac{24 + x}{28} = \frac{60}{40}$

=> $\frac{24 + x}{28} = \frac{3}{2}$

=> $48 + 2x = 84$

=> $2x = 84 – 48 = 36$

=> $x = \frac{36}{2} = 18$ litres

19) Answer (C)

Let the numbers be $100x$ and $100y$

We need to find = $\frac{100x}{100y} = \frac{x}{y} = ?$

Acc to ques,

=> $\frac{48}{100} * 100x = \frac{60}{100} * 100y$

=> $48x = 60y$

=> $\frac{x}{y} = \frac{60}{48} = \frac{5}{4}$

=> $x:y = 5:4$

20) Answer (D)

Let the total amount to be divided = $27x$

A : B : C : D = 4 : 5 : 7 : 11

=> Share of C = $\frac{7}{27} * 27x = 1351$

=> $x = \frac{1351}{7} = 193$

Now, total amount of money with A & D together

= $\frac{4 + 11}{27} * 27x$

= $15 * 193 = $Rs. $2,895$

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