Percentage Questions for SSC Stenographer PDF

Percentage Questions for SSC Stenographer PDF
Percentage Questions for SSC Stenographer PDF

Percentage Questions for SSC Stenographer PDF

SSC Stenographer Percentage Questions and Answers download PDF based on previous year question papers of SSC exam. 15 Very important Percentage Questions for Stenographer.

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Question 1: If A’s income is 50% less than that of B’s, then B’s income is what per cent more than that of A?

a) 125

b) 100

c) 75

d) 50

Question 2: 1.14 expressed as a per cent of 1.9 is

a) 6%

b) 10%

c) 60%

d) 90%

Question 3: If 60% of A = 48% of B, then A:B is

a) 9:20

b) 20:9

c) 4:5

d) 5:4

Question 4: Two successive price increase of 10% and 10% of an article are equivalent to a single price increase of

a) 19%

b) 20%

c) 21%

d) 22%

Question 5: If A’s income is 25% less than B’s income, by how much per cent is B’s income more than that of A ?

a) 25

b) 30

c) 100/3

d) 50

Question 6: If on a marked price, the difference of selling prices with a discount of 30% and two successive discounts of 20% and 10%is Rs. 72, then the marked price (in rupees) is:

a) 3,600

b) 3,000

c) 2,500

d) 2,400

Question 7: If an electricity bill is paid before due date, one gets a reduction of 4% on the amount of the bill. By paying the bill before due date a person got a reduction of Rs. 13. The amount of his electricity bill was:

a) Rs. 125

b) Rs. 225

c) Rs. 325

d) Rs. 425

Question 8: Successive discounts of 10%, 20% and 30% is equivalent to a single discount of:

a) 60%

b) 49.6%

c) 40.5%

d) 36%

Question 9: The price of an article was first increased by 10% and then again by 20%. If the last increased price be IRS. 33, the original price was:

a) Rs. 30

b) RS. 27.50

c) Rs. 26.50

d) Rs. 25


SSC Stenographer Free Mock Test

Question 10: If each side of a square is increased by 10%. its area will be increased by:

a) 10%

b) 21%

c) 44%

d) 100%

Question 11: If the length of a rectangle is increased by 10% and its breadth is decreased by 10%, the change in its area will be:

a) 1% increase

b) 1% decrease

c) 10% increase

d) No change

Question 12: A is 50% as efficient as B. C does half of the work done by A and B together. If C alone does the work in 20 days, then A, B and C together can do the work in

a) 17/3days

b) 20/3days

c) 6 days

d) 7 days

Question 13: The cost price of an article is Rs. 800. After allowing a discount of 10%, a gain of 12.5% was made. Then the marked price of the article is

a) Rs. 1,000

b) Rs. 1,100

c) Rs. 1,200

d) Rs. 1,300

Question 14: A man bought an article listed at Rs. 1500 with a discount of 20% offered on the list price. What additional discount must be offered to man to bring the net price to Rs. 1,104?

a) 8%

b) 10%

c) 12%

d) 15%

Question 15: When the price of an article was reduced by 20% its sale increased by 80%. What was the net effect on the revenue?

a) 44% increase

b) 44% decrease

c) 66% increase

d) 66% decrease

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (B)

Let’s say B’s income is 100
Hence A’s income will be 50
Now B’s income is 50 more than A’s
Hence it is $\frac{50}{50}\times100$ percent ($\frac{d}{Ai}\times100$ where d is difference in income and Ai is A’s income) more than A’s

2) Answer (C)

Let’s say 1.14 is $x$ percent of 1.9
hence 1.14 = $\frac{1.9\times x}{100}$
$x$ will be 60

3) Answer (C)

Given 60% of A = 48% of B
Hence A:B = 48 : 60
or       A:B = 4 : 5

4) Answer (C)

Let’s say price of article is 100
After first increase its price will be 100(1+ $\frac{10}{100}$) = 110
Now second increment will be applied on 110
Hence new price will be 110(1+ $\frac{10}{100}$ ) = 121
Which is 21 more than before any increment
Hence total percentage increment = 21

5) Answer (C)

let’s say B’s income is 100
A’s income will be 75
B’s income is 25 greater than A’s
hence B’s income is $\frac{25}{75} \times 100$ percent more than A’s

6) Answer (A)

let’s say marked price 100
so for first discount of 30% selling price will be 70
and for two successive discounts of 20% and 10% selling price will be 72 and difference will be 2
now when difference between both selling prices is 2, marked price is 100
so when difference between both selling prices is 72, marked price will be $\frac{100}{2} \times 72$ = 3600

7) Answer (C)

let’s say amount of electricity bill is 100
so reduction will be 4
hence when reduction is 4 amount of electricity bill is 100
now when reduction is 13 amount of electricity bill will be $\frac{100}{4}\times 13$

8) Answer (B)

We can assume that discount is on a price of 100
so after first discount of 10% its value will be = 90
now after second consecutive discount of 20% its value will be $90(1-\frac{20}{100})$=72
and after third consecutive discount of 30% its value will be $72(1-\frac{30}{100})$=50.4
hence it is a equivalent to a single discount of 100-50.4=49.6

9) Answer (D)

Let’s say its original price is 100
hence after first increment of 10% its value will be 110.
and after second consecutive increment of 20% its value will be 132
so when its value becomes 132 , original price is 100
now when its value becomes 33 , original price will be $\frac{100}{132} \times 33$

10) Answer (B)

Let’s say side of square is 100 unit
its area will be $10^{4} unit^{2}$
after 10% increment its value will be 110 unit
and area will become $1.21 \times 10^{4} unit^{2}$
change in area  $ .21 \times 10^{4} unit^{2}$
percentage change will be 21

11) Answer (B)

let’s say length is 100 and width is also 100 hence area will be $10^{4}$  $unit^{2}$
after 10% increase, length will be 110 and 10% decrease in width, it will be 90 and area will be 9900  $unit^{2}$
%change in area will be = $\frac{100}{10000}\times100$ = 1%

12) Answer (B)

C does $\frac{1}{20}$ amount of work in a day.
And A+B do twice of work as much done by C or A+B=2C or $\frac{2}{20}$.
So A+B+C together will do $\frac{2}{20}+\frac{1}{20}=\frac{3}{20}$ amount of work in a day.
And complete work will be done in $\frac{20}{3}$ days.

13) Answer (A)

Having a gain of 12.5%, selling price will be $800 \times \frac{112.5}{100} = 900$
So after having a discount of 10% on marked selling price is 900
Hence marked price will be = $900 \times \frac{100}{90} = 1000$

14) Answer (A)

After having 20% discount price will be = $1500 \times \frac{80}{100}$ = 1200
So for net price of 1104 discount should be 1200-1104 = 96
%discount = $\frac{96}{1200} \times 100$ = 8%

15) Answer (A)

Let’s initial price is $x$, and sale is $y$ so revenue will be $xy$
After having discount of 20%, initial price will be $\frac{80x}{100}$ and sale will be $\frac{180y}{100}$ , hence new revenue is $1.44xy$.
Increment in revenue will be $0.44xy$ i.e. equal to 44%



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