IBPS Clerk expected cut off 2018 – Prelims & Mains (State wise)

IBPS Clerk expected cut off 2018
IBPS Clerk expected cut off 2018

IBPS Clerk expected Cut off 2018 (State wise)

IBPS clerk exam is near. The total number of vacancies this year is 7275. The number of vacancies has gone down a little as compared to last year. Last year, IBPS reported a total of 7883 vacancies. In this article, let us take a look at what implications will the reduced number of vacancies have on the IBPS Clerk expected cut off 2018.

IBPS has scheduled the prelims exam for the second week of December. IBPS Clerk online preparation will be useful in preparing for the exam in the short period. Also, IBPS has introduced sectional time limits in the prelims exam this year. Aspirants should try to take a lot of IBPS Clerk online mock tests to acclimatize themselves to the new pattern. Also, going through the previous year papers of IBPS Clerk will help aspirants gauge the level of questions that appear in the exam.

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IBPS Clerk Number of Vacancies 2018: (State wise)

Let us juxtapose the number of vacancies in the last year and the number of vacancies this year so that we can take a logical guess at the IBPS Clerk expected cut off 2018.

State 2018 2017
Andaman & Nicobar 0 0
Andhra Pradesh 167 485
Arunachal Pradesh 10 8
Assam 94 109
Bihar 178 227
Chandigarh 37 34
Chattisgarh 89 118
Dadra & Nagar Haveli 3 7
Daman & Diu 1 8
Delhi 362 272
Goa 48 41
Gujarat 533 487
Haryana 146 175
Himachal Pradesh 90 73
Jammu & Kashmir 61 34
Jharkhand 110 127
Karnataka 618 554
Kerala 291 217
Lakshwadeep 1 2
Madhya Pradesh 325 290
Maharashtra 772 775
Manipur 8 11
Meghalaya 6 17
Mizoram 2 3
Nagaland 4 12
Odisha 191 196
Puducherry 22 46
Punjab 405 401
Rajashthan 268 344
Sikkim 10 11
Tamil Nadu 792 1277
Telangana 162 344
Tripura 18 18
Uttar Pradesh 944 665
Uttarakhand 97 78
West Bengal 410 417
TOTAL 7275 7883


There has been a huge reduction in the number of vacancies reported in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. The number of vacancies has gone down in most of the other states too, though not by a significant margin. If the level of the exam remains the same, we can expect a significant increase in the cut off in the state of Andhra.

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IBPS Clerk prelims cut off 2018:

Now, let us take a look at the previous year cut off of IBPS Clerk.

The vacancies for IBPS Clerk exam are released statewise. Therefore, the IBPS Clerk cut off too varies from state to state. The marks scored by a candidate in the prelims exam will not be considered while preparing the final merit list. The following table gives the prelims exam cut off in 2016 and 2017 for general category.

IBPS clerk prelims 2017 Cut off state wise: (Previous year Cut off)

State Cut off
Andhra Pradesh 73.5
Assam 70.75
Bihar 74.75
Chattisgarh 70.25
Daman & Diu 70.75
Delhi 76.75
Goa 67.75
Gujarat 67
Haryana 76
Himachal Pradesh 75
Jammu & Kashmir 76
Jharkhand 74.25
Karnataka 61.25
Kerela 77
Madhya Pradesh 74.25
Maharashtra 64.5
Odisha 76.5
Punjab 74
Rajasthan 73.25
Tamil Nadu 53
Telangana 70
Uttar Pradesh 76.25
Uttarakhand 78.75
West Bengal 77.25

IBPS Clerk Prelims Expected Cut off 2018:

If the level of difficulty remains the same, we can expect the cut offs to more or less remain the same.

Though the introduction of sectional time limits will lower the overall scores a bit, the reduction in the number of vacancies in most of the states will nullify the effect. We expect the increase in cut off to be more pronounced in Andhra since the number of vacancies this year is nearly a third of what it was last year.

IBPS Clerk Prelims 2018 Safe Score:

IBPS has made it clear in the notification that candidates have to clear each of the 3 tests. Therefore, the prelims exam will have sectional cut offs as well. The sectional cut-offs in some states were close to 15 last year. We can consider 15 to be a safe score to have in any section this year.

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IBPS Clerk Mains cut off 2018 statewise:

The marks of the candidate in the mains examination is the only parameter used while preparing the final merit list. Therefore, aspirants should try to score as high as possible in the mains exam to improve their chances of making it through the process. The following table shows the state-wise cut off for mains exam (out of 100) for each category.

IBPS Clerk 2017 Mains Cut off: (Previous year Cut off)

State Unreserved OBC SC ST
Andaman & Nicobar
Andhra Pradesh 50.78 48.31 40.27 31.84
Arunachal Pradesh 46.43 41.49
Assam 47.17 43.43 40.79 36.16
Bihar 53.43 50.95 38.86 37.27
Chandigarh 54.07 47.95 46.39
Chhattisgarh 50.43 50.34 39.46 24.49
Dadra & Nagar Haveli 39.02
Daman & Diu 45.92 36.91
New Delhi 53.82 47.81 42.68 38.03
Goa 44.7 44.07 24.43
Gujarat 47.53 44.04 39.95 23.68
Haryana 52.72 46.81 39.21
Himachal Pradesh 52.88 43.17 43.99 40.74
Jammu & Kashmir 52.31 42.71 39.74
Jharkhand 47.29 46.21 34.24 31.02
Karnataka 44.56 43.67 36.77 31.42
Kerala 52.32 50.52 40.68 30.89
Madhya Pradesh 48.89 45.03 36.43 26.63
Maharashtra 45.95 43.93 42.91 26.38
Manipur 44.21 62.36 45.77 41.74
Meghalaya 39.09 37.82 38.31
Mizoram 40.79
Nagaland 40.45 39.74
Odisha 51.22 50.64 37.07 31.32
Puducherry 48.06 47.47 41.27
Punjab 53.16 45.22 37.88
Rajasthan 52.93 48.17 38.28 34.7
Sikkim 49.67 47.21
Tamil Nadu 48.49 48.27 39.39 35.29
Telangana 49.97 48.72 40.18 34.17
Tripura 48.86 45.68 25.5
Uttar Pradesh 51.13 44.24 37.2 33.53
Uttarakhand 53.16 47.11 40.16 38.11
West Bengal 54.47 45.06 42.14 39.95

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IBPS Clerk Mains expected cut off 2018:

There has not been any major change in the pattern of the mains exam. The number of vacancies in most of the states has gone down a little. Therefore, we can expect the cut offs to increase by 3 to 4 marks provided the level of the exam remains the same.

Previous papers for IBPS Clerk

We hope that this article would have helped you to know about the IBPS Clerk expected cut off 2018. To know more about the job, try going through IBPS Clerk in-hand salary after 7th pay commission.


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