How To Analyse And Improve CAT Mock Scores?

How To Analyse And Improve CAT Mock Scores?

How to Analyse CAT Mocks? How to Improve Score in CAT Mocks?

Mocks play an essential role in CAT Preparation. Mocks will help the aspirants test themselves and predict how well the preparation is going. Taking more mocks will make the aspirants much stronger in CAT preparation for the exam. Not only taking more mocks, it is essential to analyse the mocks thoroughly, which makes you understand your strengths and weakness over all sections in CAT mocks. Some experts even claim that you should spend more time analysing mocks than giving them. Analysing will help you know which areas tend to get a low score in CAT mocks. In this article, we will discuss how to analyse mocks and improve the CAT mock scores.

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Steps To Analyse The CAT Mocks

Following are the steps to analysing the CAT mocks, which are to be considered after taking every mock during the preparation for the CAT exam.

Step1: Revisit all the unattempted and wrong-answered questions

Revisiting the unattempted questions or the wrongly answered questions and learning from them. You might miss out on questions cause of various reasons, such as being unfamiliar with the concept, might have studied the concept in the past but do not remember it at the moment, could proceed to a specific point but could not go ahead further, making some calculation mistake or not having time to attempt the question. Most of the reasons stated here correspond to DILR and QA. Whereas in VARC, it is all about comprehension and retention. Hence, there can not be a wrong approach or a possibility of you forgetting a concept.

Step2: Finding the weak and strong areas

Whenever you revisit the unanswered question, you can understand in which you are weak. Check out your weak areas and focus more and strengthen your weak areas for the next mock. Also keeping an eye on strong areas is also important, i.e. considering low-hanging fruits and having more grasp on your strong areas will help you solve the question much faster.

Step3: Analysing the time taken for each question

Managing time while taking mocks will also help you to improve your score as the exam duration is 2 hours, it is better to maintain a stopwatch while taking a mock and make the analysis of time consumption for each question and the section. This process will make you understand how much time you spend on each question and helps you to improve your time management skill, which is essential while taking the CAT exam as the exam will be held in a 2-hour period.

Step4: Making Analysis and strategies

Based on the analysis made on your mock, plan various exam-taking strategies. If you have experienced low scores in CAT mocks in the past, you will know how much it takes to come out of this situation. The best way to tackle this problem is to analyse your mocks thoroughly. Reduce the frequency at which you are attempting mocks and devote additional time to analysing and strategising.

Step5: Appling the various exam strategies on upcoming mocks

Just taking more mocks is not enough, it also needs to analyse them and apply various exam strategies that involve managing time and also justifying the targetted percentile or score. Select the best exam-taking strategy that suits you.

How To Improve Score In CAT Mocks

Apply Multiple Rounds Strategy

A commonly utilised strategy is to break down your solving process into multiple rounds. In the first round, attempt the easy questions you are 100% sure about getting correct. In the second round, solve questions that you avoided in the first because you found them time-consuming or difficult to understand. Continue the process till you feel satisfied with your performance. This is bound to improve your mock scores over time.

Question Selection

Choosing the right questions to attempt makes all the difference. This is only possible if you know your strengths and weaknesses well. It also depends on your ability to distinguish between time-consuming questions from ones that can be solved quickly. Preferring to solve the question of your strong areas will improve your mock score and save you valuable time a lot while taking mock. The ability to correctly identify or leave questions will keep on improving as you continue taking mocks.

Mock Frequency

Improving the CAT mock score by taking a good number of mocks and analysing them thoroughly. A common dilemma faced by every CAT aspirant is “How many mocks should I take to before CAT?” To be honest, no magic number guarantees a perfect score. Most experts suggest that aspirants should take at least 25 to 30 mocks before the exam. This provides them with adequate practice, stamina and information to eventually improve their mock scores and perform to the best of their capacities.

When to take a mock?

Giving mocks on a fixed day during the week (preferably Sundays) and in fixed time intervals (morning or afternoon sessions) is advisable. Define the time at which you are planning to appear for mocks and stick to these timings religiously. More often than not, aspirants perform well in the morning and get burnt out by the afternoon, or vice-versa. In this regard, try to alternate between morning and afternoon sessions; this will prepare you for the exam day, and you will perform well, irrespective of your designated session.

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