Grammar Questions For SSC CPO

grammar questions for ssc cpo
grammar questions for ssc cpo

Grammar Questions For SSC CPO

Download Top-15 SSC CPO Grammar Questions and Answers PDF, based on asked questions in previous CPO & other SSC exam papers.

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InstructionsDirections: In the following questions,some of the sentences have errors and some have none. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The number of that part is your answer. Your answer is ‘d’ i.e., No error.

Question 1: He is a university professor/but of his three sons/neither has any merit./No error.

a) He is a university professor

b) but of his three sons

c) neither has any merit.

d) No error

Question 2: After knowing truth,/they took the right decision/in the matter./No error.

a) After knowing truth,

b) they took the right decision

c) in the matter.

d) No error

Question 3: It is time you/decide on your next/course of action./No error.

a) It is time you

b) decide on your next

c) course of action.

d) No error

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Question 4: He who has suffered most/for the cause,/let him speak/No error.

a) He who has suffered most

b) for the cause,

c) let him speak

d) No error

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Question 5: A cup of coffee/is an excellent complement/to smoked salmon./No error.

a) A cup of coffee

b) is an excellent complement

c) to smoked salmon.

d) No error


Directions :In the following questions a part of the sentence is bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold part at a, b and c which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed, your answer is d.

Question 6: Obviously he isn’t cut up to be a good teacher.

a) cut out

b) cut in

c) cut for

d) No improvement

Question 7: Power got with money is the most craved for today.

a) sought after

b) wished for

c) welcomed for

d) No improvement

Question 8: The brown shirt wants washing.

a) has to wash

b) is in need of a wash

c) requires awash

d) No improvement

Question 9: You are asked to copy this letter word by word.

a) word for word

b) word with word

c) word to word

d) No improvement

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Question 10: The weak man is a slave to his sensuous pleasures.

a) sensory

b) sensual

c) secondary

d) No improvement

InstructionsDirections :In the following questions, a part of the sentence is printed in bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold part at A, B and C which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed, your answer is d:.

Question 11: To get into the building I’ll disguise to the reporter.

a) disguise as a

b) disguise as one

c) disguise myself

d) No improvement

Question 12: He denied that he had not forged my signature.

a) would not forge

b) had forged

c) did not forge

d) No improvement

Question 13: If I had played well, I would have won the match.

a) I played well

b) I play well

c) lam playing will

d) No improvement

Question 14: Since the records are missing, the possibility of paying more than one compensation for the same piece of land cannot be ruled aside.

a) out

b) off

c) away

d) No improvement

Question 15: A callous system generates nothing but a mica- mope

a) develops

b) induces

c) produces

d) No improvement

InstructionsDirections :Some of the sentences have errors and some have none. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The number of that part is your answer. If there is no error, your answer is d:

Question 16: Judge in him/prevailed upon the father/and he sentenced his son to death/No error.

a) Judge in him

b) prevailed upon the father

c) and he sentenced his son to death

d) No error

Question 17: Nine tenths/of the pillar/have rotted away./No error.

a) Nine tenths

b) of the pillar

c) have rotted away.

d) No error.

Question 18: One major reason/ for the popularity of television is / that most people like to stay at home / No error.

a) One major reason

b) for the popularity of television is

c) that most people like to stay at home

d) No error

Question 19: Our efforts are/aimed to bring about/a reconciliation./No error.

a) Our efforts are

b) aimed to bring about

c) a reconciliation.

d) No error

Question 20: Three conditions/critical for growing/plants are soil, temperature, chemical balance or amount of moisture./ No error.

a) Three conditions

b) critical for growing

c) plants are soil, temperature, chemical balance or amount of moisture.

d) No error.

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (C)

Neither is used to describe the absence of two things and is usually followed by the use of nor. ‘None’ is used to describe the quality of each object/person in the buch/group of objects/persons.
So ‘neither has any merit’ should be replaced by ‘none of them has any merit’.

2) Answer (A)

There should be ‘the’ in between knowing and truth, because truth is a common noun.

3) Answer (B)

The word ‘on’ can be omitted from the phrase ‘decide on your next course of action’.

4) Answer (C)

The phrase ‘let him speak’ is incomplete and has to be replaced by ‘should be let to speak’.

5) Answer (D)

There is no grammatical and vocabulary related error in the sentence.

6) Answer (A)

Cut out for doing something means possessing the qualities required for doing that job

7) Answer (D)

Craved for= correct use of phrasal verb

8) Answer (C)

Structural and correct usage = requires a wash

9) Answer (A)

Word for word – in exactly the same or, when translated, exactly equivalent words.

10) Answer (B)

Sensual -of or arousing gratification of the senses and physical, especially sexual, pleasure.

11) Answer (C)

Reflexive pronoun ‘myself will be used

12) Answer (B)

Correct usage :- had forged

Maintains the sense and purpose of the question

13) Answer (D)

No improvement

Cause nothing needed

14) Answer (A)

rule out (Phr. V.) : to state that something is not possible or that something is not suitable. rule off (Phr. V.): to separate something from the next section of writing by drawing a line underneath it

15) Answer (C)

callous (Adj.) : cruel ; not caring about people’s feelings or suffering generates (verb): to produce or create something misanthrope (Noun): a person who hates and avoids other people

16) Answer (A)

The article “the” is needed before the noun “judge”. Hence, the sentence should have been

“The judge in him prevailed upon the father and he sentenced his son to death.”

17) Answer (C)

The subject is singular so it will be has rotted away

18) Answer (C)

Insert of the before people

19) Answer (A)

It should be our effort is aimed our refers the spirit of a team.

20) Answer (A)

It should be three critical conditions. 

We hope this Grammar Questions PDF for SSC CPO Exam will be highly useful for your preparation.


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