Coding & Decoding Questions for RRB JE Set-2 PDF

Coding & Decoding Set-2 Questions for RRB JE PDF
Coding & Decoding Set-2 Questions for RRB JE PDF

Coding & Decoding Questions for RRB JE Set-2 PDF

Download Top 15 RRB JE Coding & Decoding Set-2 Questions and Answers PDF. RRB JE Coding & Decoding Questions based on asked questions in previous exam papers very important for the Railway JE exam.

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Question 1: If ‘FAST’ is coded as ‘EBRU’ and ‘SLOW’ is coded as ‘RMNX’, then what is the code of ‘PRINT’?





Question 2: If ‘TURN’ is coded as ‘USUJ’ and ‘BAKE’ is coded as ‘CYNA’, then what is the code of ‘HINT’?





Question 3: If ‘CRUDE’ is coded as ‘82221’ and ‘BRENT’ is coded as ‘22325’, then what is the code of ‘FETCH’?

a) 42210

b) 41281

c) 82235

d) 14820


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Study the following information carefully and answer the questions which follow:
In a certain language
‘game water key chair’ is coded as ‘gn te di bo’
’chair moon bat water’ is coded as ‘pc di lz gn’
‘lake water key bat’ is coded as ‘lz bo gn hy’

Question 4: What is the code for the word ‘game’?

a) gn

b) di

c) te

d) cannot be determined

Question 5: Which word among the following options is coded as ‘gn’?

a) lake

b) game

c) key

d) water

Question 6: What is the code for ‘moon’?

a) di

b) pc

c) lz

d) gn

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Study the following information carefully and answer the questions which follow:
In a certain language
‘camp ice globe ball’ is coded as ‘bu zc tq un’
’ball small cap ice’ is coded as ‘tq bu vt hn’
‘globe see cap ball’ is coded as ‘bu un cr vt’

Question 7: What is the code for the word ‘see’?

a) vt

b) bu

c) cr

d) cannot be determined

Question 8: Which word among the following option is coded as ‘un’?

a) ice

b) cap

c) ball

d) globe

Question 9: What is the code for ‘small’?

a) tq

b) hn

c) bu

d) vt

Question 10: In a certain language, ‘CRAZY’ is coded as ‘FJBZX’ and ‘SECRET’ is coded as ‘LJFIJN’. How will the word ‘BAROQUE’ be coded in the same language?





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Question 11: In a certain language, ‘FREIGHT’ is coded as ‘HTGKIJV’ and ‘GUESS’ is coded as ‘IWGUU’. How will ‘POISON’ be coded in that language?





Question 12: In a certain language ‘GAME’ is coded as ‘QPUX’, and ‘FISH’ is coded as ‘SZNT’. How will ‘IMAGES’ be written as?






Study the following information carefully and answer the questions which follow:
In a certain language
‘stay big tray class’ is coded as ‘be za tr uc’
’car class mend big’ is coded as ‘eq be za hp’
‘big car play’ is coded as ‘be nu hp’

Question 13: What is the code for the word ‘class’?

a) tr

b) uc

c) za

d) hp

Question 14: Which word among the following option is coded as ‘tr’?

a) stay

b) big

c) tray

d) cannot be determined

Question 15: What is the code for ‘mend’?

a) be

b) eq

c) za

d) hp

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (D)

Letters in the odd places are replaced by the preceding letters and letters in the even places are replaced by the next letter in alphabet series.

FAST will be EBRU, SLOW will be RMNX


2) Answer (B)

The following coding is followed:
TURN = U(T + 1) S(U – 2) U(R + 3) J(N – 4) = USUJ

BAKE = C (B + 1) Y(A – 2) N(K + 3) A(E – 4) = CYNA


HINT = I(H + 1) G(I – 2) Q(N + 3) P(T – 4)

3) Answer (D)

The first and the last letters are added, the second and fourth letters are added and the middle letter is written as it is, in the same order.

CRUDE = 8 (C+E) 22 (R + D) 21 (U)


FETCH = 14 (F + H) 8 (E + C) 20 (T)

4) Answer (C)

We know that,
‘game water key chair’ is coded as ‘gn te di bo’
’chair moon bat water’ is coded as ‘pc di lz gn’
‘lake water key bat’ is coded as ‘lz bo gn hy’
From 1st and 2nd we can say that the code for water and chair must be either gn or di. So the code for game and key must be either te or bo. From the third statement, we can say that code for lake is hy, code for key is bo and code for bat is lz.
Thus we have,

Hence, option C is the correct choice.

5) Answer (D)

We know that,
‘game water key chair’ is coded as ‘gn te di bo’
’chair moon bat water’ is coded as ‘pc di lz gn’
‘lake water key bat’ is coded as ‘lz bo gn hy’
From 1st and 2nd we can say that the code for water and chair must be either gn or di. So the code for game and key must be either te or bo. From the third statement, we can say that code for lake is hy, code for key is bo and code for bat is lz.
Thus we have,

Hence, option D is the correct option.

6) Answer (B)

We know that,
‘game water key chair’ is coded as ‘gn te di bo’
’chair moon bat water’ is coded as ‘pc di lz gn’
‘lake water key bat’ is coded as ‘lz bo gn hy’
From 1st and 2nd we can say that the code for water and chair must be either gn or di. So the code for game and key must be either te or bo. From the third statement, we can say that code for lake is hy, code for key is bo and code for bat is lz.
Thus we have,

Hence, option B is the correct choice.

7) Answer (C)

We know that,
‘camp ice goble ball’ is coded as ‘bu zc tq un’
’ball small cap ice’ is coded as ‘tq bu vt hn’
‘globe see cap ball’ is coded as ‘bu un cr vt’
From 1st and 2nd we can say that the code for ball and ice must be either tz or bu. So the code for small, and cap must be either vt or hn. From the third statement, we can say that code for ball is bu, code for cap is vt and code for see is cr.
Thus we have,

Hence, option C is the correct choice.

8) Answer (D)

We know that,
‘camp ice goble ball’ is coded as ‘bu zc tq un’
’ball small cap ice’ is coded as ‘tq bu vt hn’
‘globe see cap ball’ is coded as ‘bu un cr vt’
From 1st and 2nd we can say that the code for ball and ice must be either tz or bu. So the code for small, and cap must be either vt or hn. From the third statement, we can say that code for ball is bu, code for cap is vt and code for see is cr.
Thus we have,

Hence, option D is the correct option.

9) Answer (B)

We know that,
‘camp ice goble ball’ is coded as ‘bu zc tq un’
’ball small cap ice’ is coded as ‘tq bu vt hn’
‘globe see cap ball’ is coded as ‘bu un cr vt’
From 1st and 2nd we can say that the code for ball and ice must be either tz or bu. So the code for small, and cap must be either vt or hn. From the third statement, we can say that code for ball is bu, code for cap is vt and code for see is cr.
Thus we have,

Hence, option B is the correct choice.

10) Answer (C)

The pattern which is being followed is that the word is replaced by the letter which comes ‘n’ places after the given word. For example, A is the first letter in english alphabets. So it will be replaced by a word A + 1 = B. Similarly, B will be replaced by a word B + 2 = D, C will be replaced by C + 3 = F and so on.
Using this logic, we get that
B will be coded as D, A will be coded as B
R will be coded as R + 18 = J
O will be coded as O + 15 = D
Q will be coded as Q + 17 = H
U will be coded as U + 21 = P
E will be coded as E + 5 = J
Hence, the required code word will be DBJDHPJ
Thus, option C is the correct answer.

11) Answer (B)

The pattern being followed in the given code words is that the given word is being replaced by words which come two places after it in english alphabets.
So for example,
F is replaced by F + 2 which is H.
R is replaced by R + 2 = T.
Using the same logic, the code word for ‘POISON’ will be ‘RQKUQP’. Thus, option B is the correct answer.

12) Answer (C)

‘GAME’ is coded as ‘QPUX’, and ‘FISH’ is coded as ‘SZNT’
So G -> Q
A -> P
M -> U
E -> X
F -> S
I -> Z
S -> N
H -> T
Thus, ‘IMAGES’ must be coded as ‘ZUPQXN’.
Hence, option C is the right answer.

13) Answer (C)

We know that,
‘stay big tray class’ is coded as ‘be tr uc za’
’car class mend big’ is coded as ‘eq be za hp’
‘big car play’ is coded as ‘be nu hp’
Using 1st and 2nd, we can say that big and class can be either coded as be or za, car and mend can be either coded as eq or hp.
For 3, car must be coded as hp, big must be coded as be and play must be coded as nu.
Thus we have,

Hence, option C is the correct choice.

14) Answer (D)

We know that,
‘stay big tray class’ is coded as ‘be tr uc za’
’car class mend big’ is coded as ‘eq be za hp’
‘big car play’ is coded as ‘be nu hp’
Using 1st and 2nd, we can say that big and class can be either coded as be or za, car and mend can be either coded as eq or hp.
For 3, car must be coded as hp, big must be coded as be and play must be coded as nu.
Thus we have,

Hence, option D is the correct option.

15) Answer (B)

We know that,
‘stay big tray class’ is coded as ‘be tr uc za’
’car class mend big’ is coded as ‘eq be za hp’
‘big car play’ is coded as ‘be nu hp’
Using 1st and 2nd, we can say that big and class can be either coded as be or za, car and mend can be either coded as eq or hp.
For 3, car must be coded as hp, big must be coded as be and play must be coded as nu.
Thus we have,

Hence, option B is the correct choice.


We hope this Coding & Decoding Set-2 Questions for RRB JE Exam will be highly useful for your preparation.


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