Coding Decoding Questions for RRB Group-D Set-2 PDF

Coding Decoding Questions for RRB Group-D Set-2 PDF
Coding Decoding Questions for RRB Group-D Set-2 PDF

Coding Decoding Questions for RRB Group-D Set-2 PDF

Download Top-15 RRB Group-D Coding Decoding Questions Set-2 PDF. RRB GROUP-D Coding Decoding questions based on asked questions in previous exam papers very important for the Railway Group-D exam.

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Question 1: In a certain language ‘GATE’ is coded as ‘YXQZ’, and ‘SLIP’ is coded as ‘PRWV’. How will ‘STAPLE’ be written as?





Question 2: In a certain language ‘MANIPULATE’ is written as ‘LBMJOVKBSF’. How will ‘CONTINUE’ be written as?





Question 3: If COW is coded as 358, WORD is coded as 8571 and DRAW is coded as 1708 then COWARD will be coded as :

a) 358017

b) 358071

c) 358077

d) None of the above

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Question 4: If KNIFE is coded as MPKHG, then what does the code DTGCF stand for ?





Question 5: If MATTER is coded as TAMRET then BEYOND is coded as :




d) None of the above


In a certain language,
‘pen is pencil’ is coded as ‘pa na ka’
‘pen is used for writing’ is coded as ‘na ka la sa ba’
‘writing is done with pencil’ is coded as ‘ba ka ju ma pa’

Question 6: What is the code word for ‘pen’?

a) na

b) ka

c) pa

d) Cannot be determined

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Question 7: What is the codeword for ‘writing’?

a) la

b) ba

c) sa

d) Cannot be determined

Question 8: If ‘green’ is coded as ‘fsdfm’ and ‘violet’ is coded as ‘ujnmds’, find the code ‘blunt’.

a) amtos

b) ckvmu

c) cmtos

d) akvmu

Question 9: If ‘ARMY’ is coded as ‘ZNSB’ and ‘POLICE’ is coded as ‘FDJMPQ’. What is the code for ‘NAVY’?





Question 10: In a certain code language ‘ANT’ is coded as ‘1196400’ and ‘BAT’ is coded as ‘41400’. How will the word ‘DOP’ be coded in the same language?

a) 16256289

b) 16324225

c) 16225256

d) 16256324

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Question 11: In a certain language, ‘GREAT’ is coded as ‘HQFZU’. How will ‘REMINISCENT’ be coded in that language?





Question 12: A coding machine replaces the letters in a word with their positions in the alphabetical series.
Eg) BAD will be coded as 214.
Which of the following words can be deciphered from their code without any additional inputs?

a) SAD

b) HEN

c) BIG

d) BUY

Question 13: If BREAD is coded as AQFBC, what will be EDUCATION coded as?





Question 14: If ‘CRY’ is coded as ‘DTB’ and ‘BURP’ is coded as ‘CWUT’, how is ‘TENT’ coded as ?





Question 15: If ‘BOMB’ is coded as ‘231512’ and ‘DRUG’ is coded as ‘712814’, how is ‘BLAST’ coded?

a) 2121912

b) 2121920

c) 2911212

d) 21182920

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (B)

‘GATE’ is coded as ‘YXQZ’ and ‘SLIP’ is coded as ‘PRWV’
So G -> Y
A -> X
T -> Q
E -> Z
S -> P
L -> R
I -> W
P -> V
So ‘STABLE’ must be coded as ‘PQXVRZ’.
Hence, option C is the right answer.

2) Answer (B)

M – 1 = L
A + 1 = B
N – 1 = M
I + 1 = J
P – 1 = O
U + 1 = V
L – 1 = K
A + 1 = B
T – 1 = S
E + 1 = F
C – 1 = B
O + 1 = P
N – 1 = M
T + 1 = U
I – 1 = H
N + 1 = O
U – 1 = T
E + 1 = F
Thus, CONTINUE is the code of BPMUHOTF.
Hence, option B is the right answer.

3) Answer (B)

4) Answer (C)

5) Answer (C)

6) Answer (A)

We can see that ‘is’ is the only word which is common between the three sentences. The only code word which is common between the three sentences is ‘ka’
Hence, ‘is’ must be coded as ‘ka’.
Now, comparing 1 and 2, we can see that the code word for ‘pen’ is ‘na’
From 2 and 3, the code word for pencil will be ‘pa’.
Similarly, the code word for writing will be ‘ba’

7) Answer (B)

We can see that ‘is’ is the only word which is common between the three sentences. The only code word which is common between the three sentences is ‘ka’
Hence, ‘is’ must be coded as ‘ka’.
Now, comparing 1 and 2, we can see that the code word for ‘pen’ is ‘na’
From 2 and 3, the code word for pencil will be ‘pa’.
Similarly, the code word for writing will be ‘ba’

8) Answer (A)

‘green’ is coded as ‘fsdfm’ and ‘violet’ is coded as ‘ujnmds’.

We see that the for the alphabets in odd places, they are replaced with the previous ones and for the alphabets in the even places, they are replaced with the next alphabet.

Hence, ‘blunt’ will be coded as ‘amtos’.

9) Answer (C)

In each of the following words, the next alphabet to the corresponding alphabet is written and the word is reversed:

Reverse: ZNSB

Reverse – FDJMPQ

Reverse – ZWOB

Option C is the correct answer.

10) Answer (C)

The pattern which is being followed here is that the letter is replaced by the square of the numerical value of the number.
For example: A is replaced by 1.
Numerical value of B is 2, so it replaced by square of 2 which is 4.
Similarly, numerical value of T is 20. Hence, it is replaced by 400.
Using the same logic, the code word for DOP will be D – 4 => 16
O – 15 => 225
P – 16 => 256
Thus, the answer will be 16225256

11) Answer (A)

In the given word, the letters at the odd positions are being replaced by the letters which come immediately after them in English alphabets. The letters at even positions are being replaced by letters which precede them in english alphabets. For example:
G, E and T are at odd positions. Hence, they have been replaced with H, F and U. Similarly, R and A are at even positions and hence they have been replaced with Q and Z respectively.
Using the same logic, the code word for REMINISCENT will be
Hence, option A is correct.

12) Answer (C)

If the code of a letter is greater than 10, then the word containing such letters can be rejected straight away because we cannot retrace the letter.

Eg) Z will be coded as 26. But, 26 could have been used to denote BF or Z. Therefore, we can eliminate options A, B and D. (S – 19, N – 14, Y-25).
Let us check whether BIG can be retraced.
BIG will be coded as 297. Since there are no 29th or 97th alphabets, we can infer from 297 that the word must have been BIG. Therefore, option C is the right answer.

13) Answer (C)

B is replaced by A.
R is replaced by Q.
E is replaced by F.
A is replaced by B.
D is replaced by C.

Consonants are replaced by the letter preceding them and vowels are replaced by the letters succeeding them in the alphabetical series. Following similar logic,

E will be coded as F.
D will be coded as C.
U will be coded as V.
C will be coded as B.
A will be coded as B.
T will be coded as S.
I will be coded as J.
O will be coded as P.
N will be coded as M.

Therefore, option C is the right answer.

14) Answer (B)

The following pattern is followed:
C + 1 = D, R + 2 = T, Y + 3 = B

B + 1 = C, U + 2 = W, R + 3 = U, P + 4 = T


T +1 = U
E + 2 = G
N + 3 = Q
T + 4 = X

15) Answer (C)

‘BOMB’ is coded as ‘231512’
‘DRUG’ is coded as ‘712814’
The numbers corresponding to the alphabets is written and reversed.
Hence, the code for ‘BOMB’ is ‘2911212’.


We hope this Coding Decoding Set 2 PDF for RRB Group-D Exam will be highly useful for your preparation


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