Clock Questions for RRB JE PDF

Clock Questions For RRB JE PDF
Clock Questions For RRB JE PDF

Clock Questions for RRB JE PDF

Download Top 20 RRB JE Clock Questions and Answers PDF. RRB JE Clock questions based on asked questions in previous exam papers very important for the Railway JE exam.

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Question 1: Find the mirror image of the clock when the time is 06:18

a) 05:42

b) 04:37

c) 05:38

d) 04:38

Question 2: Find the mirror image of the clock when the time is 04:45

a) 06:15

b) 07:18

c) 06:12

d) 07:15

Question 3: Find the mirror image of the clock when the time is 03:00

a) 08:57

b) 09:00

c) 09:03

d) 09:01


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Question 4: At what time between 11 O’Clock and 12 O’Clock, will the minute hand and hour hand of the clock coincide with each other?

a) $11:54\dfrac{9}{11}$

b) $11:01\dfrac{6}{11}$

c) $11:56$

d) None of these

Question 5: At what time between 4 O’Clock and 5 O’Clock, will the minute hand and hour hand of the clock coincide with each other?

a) $04:21\dfrac{9}{11}$

b) $04:20\dfrac{6}{11}$

c) $04:22$

d) $04:21$

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Question 6: At what time between 6 O’Clock and 7 O’Clock, will the minute hand and hour hand of the clock be exactly opposite to each other?

a) $06:07$

b) $06:02\dfrac{6}{11}$

c) $06:01\dfrac{3}{11}$

d) None of these

Question 7: A clock shows 4 O’clock in the morning. By how much angle will the hours hand rotate when the clock shows 5 O’clock in the morning.

a) $30^\circ$

b) $60^\circ$

c) $45^\circ$

d) $90^\circ$

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Question 8: Find the angle between the hands of the clock when the time is 08:16

a) $164^\circ$

b) $128^\circ$

c) $152^\circ$

d) $135^\circ$

Question 9: Find the relative position of the minutes hand with respect to the hours hand at 5:28 pm ?

a) coincide with the hours hand

b) behind the hours hand

c) crossed the hours hand

d) angle between them is 2°

Question 10: Find the angle between the hands of the clock when the time is 09:20

a) $160^\circ$

b) $120^\circ$

c) $180^\circ$

d) $135^\circ$

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (A)

We need to subtract from 12:00 or 11:60 to get mirror image time
Mirror image of 06:18 = 11:60 – 06:18 = 05:42

2) Answer (D)

We need to subtract from 12:00 or 11:60 to get mirror image time
Mirror image of 04:45 = 11:60 – 04:45 = 07:15

3) Answer (C)

We need to subtract from 12:00 or 11:60 to get mirror image time
Mirror image of 03:00 = 12:00 – 03:00 = 09:00

4) Answer (D)

Angle between two hands $= \dfrac{11}{2}M – 30H$ where H is hours and M is Minutes
Here, H = 11 and Angle = $0^\circ$
$0^\circ = \dfrac{11}{2}M – 30\times11$
⇒ $\dfrac{11}{2}M = 330$
⇒ $M = \dfrac{660}{11} = 60$
Hence, the required time = $11:60$ which is $12:00$
Hence, Between 11 O’Clock and 12 O’Clock, the minute hand and hour hand will not coincide with each other.

5) Answer (A)

Angle between two hands $= \dfrac{11}{2}M – 30H$ where H is hours and M is Minutes
Here, H = 4 and Angle = $0^\circ$
$0^\circ = \dfrac{11}{2}M – 30\times4$
⇒ $\dfrac{11}{2}M = 120$
⇒ $M = \dfrac{240}{11} = 21\dfrac{9}{11}$
Hence, the required time = $04:21\dfrac{9}{11}$

6) Answer (D)

Angle between two hands $= \dfrac{11}{2}M – 30H$ where H is hours and M is Minutes
Here, H = 6 and Angle = $180^\circ$
$180^\circ = \dfrac{11}{2}M – 30\times6$
⇒ $\dfrac{11}{2}M = 360$
⇒ $M = \dfrac{720}{11} = 65\dfrac{5}{11}$
Hence, the required time = $06:65\dfrac{5}{11}$ which is $07:05\dfrac{5}{11}$.
Hence, Between 6 and 7, the hands of the clock will not be exactly opposite to each other.

7) Answer (A)

In 12 hours, the hand turns $360^\circ$.
Here, the difference between time = 1 hour
Then, Required angle $= \dfrac{360}{12}\times1 = 30^\circ$

8) Answer (C)

Required angle $= 30H – \dfrac{11}{2}M$ where H is hours and M is Minutes
Here, H = 8 and M = 16
Hence, Required angle $= 30\times8 – \dfrac{11}{2}\times16$
$= 240 – 88 = 152^\circ$

9) Answer (C)

Hours hand rotates 30° in 1 hour($\because 360/12 = 30$°) and rotates 0.5° in 1 minute($\because 30/60 = 1/2 = 0.5$°)

Minute hand rotates 6° in 1 minute($\because 360/60 = 6$°)

At 5:28,

Angle made by hours hand = 5(30°)+28(0.5°) = 150°+14° = 164°

Angle made by minutes hand = 28(6°) = 168°

Hence, minutes hand crossed hours hand

So the answer is option C.

10) Answer (A)

Required angle $= 30H – \dfrac{11}{2}M$ where H is hours and M is Minutes
Here, H = 9 and M = 20
Hence, Required angle $= 30\times9 – \dfrac{11}{2}\times20$
$= 270 – 110 = 160^\circ$


We hope this Clock Questions for RRB JE Exam will be highly useful for your preparation.


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