How to Attempt CAT Mock (Mock Taking Strategy)

How to attempt CAT mocks (Mock-taking strategy)

Common Admission test (CAT) 2022 is in 3 months away. In these few days, the CAT mocks will play a crucial role for the CAT aspirants. A test-taking strategy is very necessary for the aspirants who are taking the CAT 2022 exam. In this article, we will discuss how to attempt the CAT mock tests and how to implement a strategy while taking a mock test. Before that, let us have a look at the reason behind taking the CAT mocks and how it is important in detail.

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CAT Mock Tests

One can check out the below excellent video on CAT 2022 mock-taking strategy by Maruti sir (IIMA Alumni) – CAT 100%iler.

Why Are Mock Tests Important for CAT 2022 Preparation?

As mentioned earlier, the mock tests will play a crucial role in CAT preparation for the aspirants. There are mainly three reasons behind taking CAT mock tests. Let us see them in detail.

Regular assessment

Taking a regular assessment is very important in part of CAT preparation. If you didn’t get regular assessments, then you don’t really know how your preparation is good. If u are taking mocks regularly, you will understand which topics you are doing well and which topics you are not performing well. One can also find out what are the common mistakes that are made while taking mock tests. Taking mock is also useful for assessing the time and essential for improving time management skills.

Testing Different Strategies

As mentioned earlier, a test-taking strategy is necessary for the aspirants taking the CAT exam. Doing experiments by applying different strategies is one of the main reasons behind taking mock tests for CAT. While attempting multiple numbers of mocks, one can do experiments on implementing various strategies that work better and can apply in the actual CAT examination.

To Improve Your Capability

Many test takers have a common problem of getting tired after spending more time on a particular section and getting exhausted. There will be a chance of losing your focus on the test. For that sake, taking a good number of mocks will help improve your ability to attempt all the questions with a stable focus.

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CAT Mock Strategy: Section-wise

Test-taking strategy varies for all three sections in CAT. Let us have a look at the strategies that can be applied for each of the sections of the CAT exam in detail.

Mock Strategy for CAT – VARC

When it comes to the mock strategy for the VARC section of CAT, it is very important to decide what to attempt first, either Reading comprehension (RC) or Verbal Ability (VA). And if you start with the RCs, then make sure to know which RC questions you are going to attempt and try to answer them. Then proceed with the verbal ability questions. This is the most used strategy and also works for many aspirants. One can also start with Verbal ability questions, but the mock-taking strategy for this section varies from person to person. So, it is advised to take a good number of mocks, experiment by applying various strategies, and decide which strategy works for you.

Mock Strategy for CAT – DILR

As we all know, the DILR is one of the hard sections in the CAT exam. There is no particular strategy for this section. The only key is to attempt all the question which feels more familiar, as many aspirants cannot solve all the questions in this section. So, it is better to read and understand all the questions and make sure to solve the question which is familiar.

Mock Strategy for CAT – Quant

The quantitative aptitude section is among the most scoring sections, as many of the aspirants target to score as high to get a good percentile. There are many mock-taking strategies to ace this section. Among those, the rounds approach is one of the most commonly used strategies and also works for many CAT aspirants in this section.

In this mock-taking strategy, one can proceed with the first round by solving all the easy questions by skipping moderate-difficulty questions, which are to be attempted for the second round. After completing all the easy questions, one can proceed with the second round to attempt moderate-type questions and skip the hard questions for the third round. And finally, there will be some time and spend the rest of the time solving the remaining problems.

One can take the best free mocks for CAT 2022 and implement your own mock-taking strategies.

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