[PDF] CAT 2019 question paper with solutions

cat 2019 question paper

CAT exam is a few months away, so it is the right time to start your preparation. While doing CAT exam preparation, candidates are advised to check out the CAT previous year question papers and understand what type of questions are given. CAT previous year question papers are the best sources of CAT preparation for the aspirants. Now take a look at the CAT question paper 2019 with solutions PDF, including slot 1 and slot 2.

Click on the below links to download CAT 2019 question paper PDFs

CAT 2019 slot 1 question paper PDF

CAT 2019 slot 2 question paper PDF

Test yourself by solving the previous papers and practise more on your weak areas also it is crucial to make an analysis of the CAT 2019 question paper while practising for the CAT exam.

CAT 2019 Exam Difficulty Level

CAT 2019 exam was conducted in two slots. The overall CAT exam difficulty level was moderate-high. Let us see the CAT 2019 slot 1 and slot 2 question paper analysis and the section-wise difficulty level of both the slots in detail.

CAT 2019 Slot 1 Analysis

Section MCQs Non-MCQs Total Questions Difficulty Level
VARC 24 10 34 Moderate to Difficult
DILR 22 10 32 Difficult
Quant 23 11 34 Difficult
  • VARC section, the difficulty level was moderate to difficult. In this section, 5 questions from the RCs are MCQ type questions and 10 from Verbal Ability which are Non-MCQ type questions. Overall, there were 34 questions including other non-negative marking questions in this section.
  • DILR section was difficult and made more tricky. In this section, 4 sets with 4 questions each, and 16 questions from other sets the total number of questions for DILR to be 32 in this section.
  • The QA section is difficult. In this section, the maximum number of questions are from arithmetic, most of them are calculation-intensive and formula-based questions. Overall, the quant section had 34 questions.

Overall the difficulty level of the CAT 2019 question paper is moderate to difficult

CAT 2019 Slot 2 Analysis

Section MCQs Non-MCQs Total Questions Difficulty Level
VARC 24 10 34 Moderate to Difficult
DILR 22 10 32 Moderate to Difficult
Quant 23 11 34 Moderate to Difficult
  • VARC section, the difficulty level was moderate to difficult. In this section, 5 questions from the RCs are MCQ type questions and 10 from Verbal Ability which are Non-MCQ type questions. Overall, there were 34 questions including other non-negative marking questions in this section.
  • DILR section was moderate-difficult and made more tricky. In this section, 4 DI based sets with 4 questions each, and 4 LR based sets with 4 questions each and the total number of questions for DILR to be 32 in this section.
  • The QA section is moderate-difficult. This section is similar to slot 1, the maximum number of questions are from arithmetic, and most of them are calculation-intensive and formula-based questions. Overall, the quant section had 34 questions.

CAT 2019 Exam Pattern

Sections Total questions
Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC) 34
Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR) 32
Quantitative Ability (QA) 34
Total 70


Candidates are advised to check out the CAT previous year question papers PDFs which are from the year 1990 to 2021 with detailed solutions.

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