Bodmas questions for RRB Group D Set-2 PDF

Bodmas questions for RRB Group D Set-2 PDF
Bodmas questions for RRB Group D Set-2 PDF

Bodmas questions for RRB Group D Set-2 PDF

Download Top-15 RRB Group-D Bodmas questions Set-2 PDF. RRB Group – D Bodmas questions based on asked questions in previous exam papers very important for the Railway Group-D exam.

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Question 1: $ 4 + \frac{1}{6} \times $ [ { $ – 12 \times ( 24 – 13 – 3) $ } $ \div ( 20 – 4) $ ] = ?

a) 4

b) 6

c) 5

d) 3

Question 2: The value of 16 – [ 5 – 2 { 14 of 2 – $( 8 \div 4 \times 2 – 1 + 3$ } ] is :

a) 35

b) 45

c) 55

d) 65

Question 3: The value of $ 14 \div  $ { ( 5 of 2 – 3 ) } $ \times 4 ( 7 – 2 )  $ is :

a) 44

b) 40

c) $ \frac{1}{10} $

d) $ \frac{14}{19} $

Question 4: 0.296 + 2.96 + 29.6 + 296 = ?

a) 327.856

b) 328.756

c) 328.856

d) 327.756

Question 5: $45-[38-(80\div4-(8-12\div3)\div4)]=?$

a) 25

b) 27

c) 26

d) 28

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Question 6: $(8-(28-53))\div(-4\times5-(-9))=?$

a) 11

b) -3

c) 3

d) -11

Question 7: $ \frac{8.73 \times 8.73 \times 8.73 + 4.27 \times 4.27 \times 4.27}{8.73 \times 8.73 -8.73 \times 4.27 + 4.27 \times 4.27} $ is equal to —-

a) 11

b) 13

c) $ \frac {11}{7} $

d) None of these

Question 8: $100 \times 10 – 100 + 2000 \div 100 = ?$

a) 29

b) 920

c) 980

d) 1000

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Question 9: $ (1-\frac{1}{2}) (1-\frac{1}{3}) (1-\frac{1}{4}) …..(1-\frac{1}{40}) = ?$

a) $ \frac{1}{40} $

b) $ \frac{1}{20} $

c) Countless

d) Zero

Question 10: $ 5^{5} \div (5^{3} \times 2^{2}) $ is

a) 125

b) 31.25

c) 6.25

d) 12.5

Question 11: $ 2^{4} \times 3^{4} \times 8^{4} \div (2 \times 3 \times 8)^{3} $ is

a) 576

b) 48

c) 96

d) 192


What approximate value should come in place of question-mark (?) in the following questions ? (You are expected to calculate the exact value)

Question 12: $(9321+5406+1001)\div(498+929+660)$ = ?

a) 13.5

b) 4.5

c) 16.5

d) 7.5

Question 13: $561204\times58 = ? \times 55555$

a) 606

b) 646

c) 586

d) 716

Question 14: $(7857 + 3596 + 4123)\div96$=?

a) 155.06

b) 162.25

c) 151.83

d) 165.70

Question 15: Evaluate :- $(-216 \times 1728)^{\frac{1}{3}}$

a) -72

b) 27

c) 72

d) -27

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (D)

$ 4 + \frac{1}{6} \times $ [ { $ – 12 \times ( 24 – 13 – 3) $ } $ \div ( 20 – 4) $ ]
=$ 4 + \frac{1}{6} \times $ [ { $ – 12 \times 8 $ } $ \div 16 $ ]
=$ 4 + \frac{1}{6} \times  -6$

2) Answer (C)

16 – [ 5 – 2 { 14 of 2 – $( 8 \div 4 \times 2 – 1 + 3$ } ]
=16 – [ 5 – 2 { 28 – $( 2 \times 2 – 1 + 3$ } ]
=16 – [ 5 – 2 { 28 – $( 3 + 3$ } ]

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3) Answer (B)

$ 14 \div  $ { ( 5 of 2 – 3 ) } $ \times 4 ( 7 – 2 )  $
=$ 14 \div  $   7  $ \times 4 ( 5)  $
=2$ \times 4 ( 5)  $
=2$ \times 20  $

4) Answer (C)

0.296 + 2.96 + 29.6 + 296 = 328.856

5) Answer (C)

$45-[38-(80\div4-(8-12\div3)\div4)] = 45 – (38 – (20 – \dfrac{8-4}{4}))$
$= 45 – (38 -(20-\dfrac{4}{4})) = 45-(38-(20-1))$
$= 45-(38-19) = 45-19 = 26$

6) Answer (B)

$(8-(28-53)) = 8-28+53 = 33$
$(-4\times5-(-9)) = -20+9 = -11$
Therefore, $(8-(28-53))\div(-4\times5-(-9))=\dfrac{33}{-11} = -3$

7) Answer (B)

($ a ^ {3} + b ^ {3}$) / ($ a ^ {2} – ab + b ^ {2} $) = a + b

Substituting 8.73 for a and 4.27 for b, we get the answer

8) Answer (B)

By BODMAS, Division and Multiplication will be done before addition and subtraction.

Hence, 100 x 10 – 100 + 2000 / 100 = 1000 – 100 + 20 = 920

9) Answer (A)

1 – 1/2 = 1/2

1 – 1/3 = 2/3

1 – 1/4 = 3/4

The denominator of the first term gets cancelled by the numerator of the second term and so on…

So, the final value = 1/40

10) Answer (C)

$ 5^{5} \div (5^{3} \times 2^{2}) $=$5^{2}/2^{2}$


11) Answer (B)

$ 2^{4} \times 3^{4} \times 8^{4} \div (2 \times 3 \times 8)^{3} $

=$\frac{2^{16} \times 3^{4}}{2^{12} \times 3^{3}}=2^{4} \times 3=48$

12) Answer (D)

9321+5406+1001= 15728
498+929+660= 2087
15728$\div$2087= 7.536
So option D is the right answer.

13) Answer (C)

$561204\times58 = ? \times 55555$

implies ? = $561204\times58 \div 55555$ = 586

14) Answer (B)

7857 + 3596 + 4123 = 15576

15576 / 96 = 162.25

15) Answer (A)

$(-216 \times 1728)^{\frac{1}{3}}$

=$(-6^{3} \times 12^{3})^{\frac{1}{3}}$



We hope this Bodmas questions PDF for RRB Group-D Exam will be highly useful for your preparation.


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