Classification Questions For SSC MTS

classification questions for ssc mts
classification questions for ssc mts

Classification Questions For SSC MTS

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Question 1: The numbers in the following set are related in a certain way. Choose the set that is similar to the following set:
{6, 10, 8}

a) {8, 12, 9}

b) {5, 13, 12}

c) {13, 17, 16}

d) {3, 6, 4}

Question 2: Four pairs of words have been given, out of which three are alike in some manner, while one is different. Choose out the odd one.

a) Chef : Knife

b) Saw : Carpenter

c) Sculptor : Chisel

d) Doctor : Stethoscope

Question 3: Four of the given numbers are alike in a certain way.Which of these numbers doesn’t belong to a group?

a) 11

b) 18

c) 80

d) 39

e) 67

Question 4: Identify the odd one from the following.

a) Brother

b) Sister

c) Uncle

d) Friend

Question 5: Four of the given numbers are alike in a certain way.Which of these numbers doesn’t belong to a group?

a) 36

b) 48

c) 51

d) 69

e) 71

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Question 6: Four of the given numbers are alike in a certain way.Which of these numbers doesn’t belong to a group?

a) 107

b) 56

c) 61

d) 81

e) 36

Question 7: Four words have been given out of which three are alike in some manner, while one is different. Choose the odd one.

a) Necklace

b) Bracelet

c) Jewellery

d) Anklet

Question 8: Four of the given numbers are alike in a certain way.Which of these numbers doesn’t belong to a group?

a) 158

b) 77

c) 86

d) 68

e) 94

Question 9: Four words have been given out of which three are alike in some manner, while one is different. Choose the odd one

a) Joy

b) Fear

c) Anger

d) Calm

Question 10: Identify the odd one from the following.

a) HL

b) KN

c) CG

d) UY

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Question 11: Four numbers have been given out of which three are alike in some manner, while one is different. Choose the odd one.

a) 250

b) 95

c) 159

d) 150

Question 12: Identify the odd one from the following.

a) dFh

b) gHj

c) uWy

d) rTv

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (B)

The numbers in the set {6, 10, 8} are sides of right angled triangle, the middle number being the hypotenuse.


Similarly, only in the set {5, 13, 12}, => $(5)^2+(12)^2=(13)^2$, the numbers represent sides of right angled triangle.

=> Ans – (B)

2) Answer (B)

In all the given pairs, except second, second item is used by the first person, while in second reverse is true, hence it is the odd one.

=> Ans – (B)

3) Answer (C)

All of the numbers are of the form 7k+4, except c.

4) Answer (D)

All of brother, sister and uncle are blood relatives, hence friend is the odd one out.

=> Ans – (D)

5) Answer (E)

All the numbers except e are the multiples of 3.

6) Answer (A)

All the numbers except a are of the form 5k+1.

7) Answer (C)

Necklace, Bracelet and Anklet are all types of jewellery, hence jewellery is the odd one.

=> Ans – (C)

8) Answer (E)

The sum of digits of all the numbers except e is 14.

9) Answer (D)

All the words except calm are emotions, hence calm is the odd one out.

=> Ans – (D)

10) Answer (B)

(A) : H (+4 letters) = L

(B) : K (+3 letters) = N

(C) : C (+4 letters) = G

(D) : U (+4 letters) = Y

=> Ans – (B)

11) Answer (C)

Apart from 159, all numbers are divisible by 5, hence it is the odd one.

=> Ans – (C)

12) Answer (B)

(A) : d (+2 letters) = F (+2 letters) = h

(B) : g (+1 letter) = H (+2 letters) = j

(C) : u (+2 letters) = W (+2 letters) = y

(D) : r (+2 letters) = T (+2 letters) = v

=> Ans – (B)

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