SSC CGL online mock test strategy

SSC CGL online mock test strategy
A blog on how to strategize SSC CGL mock exams

SSC has planned to release the notification by the end of this week. Having a strategy for the exam is important. Aspirants can take SSC CGL mock tests to gauge their level of preparation.

Aspirants must take enough mock tests to acclimatise themselves to the pattern.

The speed with which a candidate solves a question has a considerable weightage now. Aspirants can prepare for SSC CGL online to get the maximum out of them. This blog is about how aspirants must frame their SSC CGL Online mock test strategy.

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About the exam:

SSC conducts the exam in 4 tiers.
Tier 1 exam consists of 4 sections.
1.English Language
2.Quantitative Aptitude
3.General Intelligence and Reasoning
4.General awareness

Each section has 25 questions. Each question carries 2 marks. Wrong answers carry a negative marking of 0.5 marks.

There are no sectional time limits in this exam. Candidates are free to move between the sections while attempting the test. The tier-1 exam is not just of qualifying nature. SSC adds the marks obtained in tier 1 exam till the final selection. Hence, it is important to score as high as possible in this exam. Read about general awareness tips for SSC 2018 exam.

Tier 2 exam contains 2 sections.
1.English Language
2.Quantitative Aptitude

SSC CGL does not have sectional cutoffs. Hence, candidates can play to their strengths. However, with the skyrocketing of cutoffs over the years, candidates do not have much choice rather than attempting the entire paper.

English language and Quantitative ability sections are crucial. Hence, candidates must allocate more time while preparing for the same.You can read about SSC CGL expected cutoffs to have an idea about the scores you should be looking at.

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Self Actualization:

Before starting your preparation, give a mock test. This will help you figure out what your ground zero is. Do not benchmark yourself with others after this test. This mock test is just for self-actualization.

Note down the sections you are uncomfortable with. Do a SWOT analysis. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and threats.

There will be a type of question where both your Accuracy and Attempt rate will be high. This particular topic is your strength. Topics with high attempt rate but low accuracy are your weaknesses. You have to be careful while attempting these questions.

Topics, where you have attempted less but have a high accuracy, can be termed as opportunities. You have the potential to increase your overall score using this section provided you improve your number of attempts.

Topics, where both your accuracy and attempt rates are low, are your threats.

After doing this, you will have an idea about the amount of ground left to cover. Start your preparation accordingly with the help of an SSC CGL study plan. Let us have a look at how to formulate SSC CGL online mock test strategy below.

SSC CGL Online mock test strategy:

After drafting a timetable and study plan for SSC CGL,  try to cover the topics. Stick to the scheme as much as possible. By the end of the drill, ensure that no topic will remain your threat. Entertain the fact that SSC can throw in hard questions in areas of your strength and simple questions in areas you have omitted.

After the drill, no topic must remain completely alien to you. After you have covered the basics in each and every topic, start taking mocks. More than benchmarking, use mocks as a tool to identify your weak spots.Work on them so that you don’t remain weak in them anymore.

In the last few days, take an SSC CGL Online mock test every day. Spend an equal amount of time, if not more, analyzing the mock. Taking mocks without analyzing them is akin to shooting arrows without targets.

If you find some glaring errors in your mocks, go back to the basics. Do your diligence again on that topic. Then, check whether your scores improve in that particular topic. Try to have no sections as threats or weaknesses. Also, take General Knowledge quiz for SSC from time to time to refresh the GK concepts.

Since there are no sectional cutoffs in this exam, play to your strengths. Maximize the scores in your strong areas.Also, try to maintain a hygiene score in other areas too. Since the cutoff for unreserved category last year was 126.5, it is evident that you cannot leave more than 13 or 15 questions after allowing some margin for error in other questions.

Now that you have covered most of the basics, try to formulate a strategy for the D-day. Make a plan such that you attempt the sections of your strength first, giving yourself a morale boost. Carrying that inertia, attempt other sections in the decreasing order of your comfort.

SSC CGL Previous solved papers

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D-day strategy:

Experiment various strategies in the mock tests. Check various combinations and choose the one in which you perform well.

Try to formulate your ‘own’ strategy. Mimicking someone else’s is a sure shot recipe for getting lost in the exam. Remember, the momentum you carry is very important and don’t let it drop throughout the test.

If you find a section or the entire test hard, don’t panic. It is the relative performance that matters. However, be open to making tweaks to your strategy in the examination. If the questions turn out to be tough, settle for fewer attempts without letting accuracy to let you down.

It has to be admitted that luck has a role to play in the test. Hence, make sure you leave as little room as possible for luck to operate on.

We hope that this article was useful to know how to formulate a SSC CGL online mock test strategy. We wish you the very best for SSC CGL preparation.

You can take a free mock to SSC CGL here.

Also read about General awareness preparation for SSC CGL exam.

Starting preparing for SSC exam now.


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