How to prepare for SSC CGL 2018 exam

How to prepare for SSC CGL 2018 exam
How to prepare for SSC CGL 2018 exam

SSC CGL 2018 notification is expected to be released by the first week of May. SSC CGL is one of the most sought-after government exams in India. One of the questions that most aspirants face at this moment is how to prepare for SSC CGL 2018 exam. In this article, let us have a look at the way in which one must plan the preparation for this exam.

SSC CGL online preparation can help aspirants to have a structured preparation method. Taking SSC CGL online mock tests will help aspirants to ensure that they are moving in the towards their dream score. Also, going through the previous year papers of SSC CGL can help aspirants to know about the level of the questions that appear in the actual exam.

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How to prepare for SSC CGL 2018 Tier-1 exam ?

The first thing an aspirant must know before starting his preparation is the pattern of the exam. Let us have a look at the pattern of the exam before moving on to how to prepare for SSC CGL 2018 exam.

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SSC CGL 2018 Preparation Strategy:

SSC conducts the exam in 4 tiers.

The tier 1 exam consists of 4 sections. Each section carries 25 questions of 2 marks each. SSC deducts one-fourth of the mark allotted for the question for a wrong answer (0.5 marks in this case). The exam does not have any sectional cut offs. SSC uses the score of an aspirant in the tier 1 exam till the final selection.

The tier 2 exam consists of 4 papers.

The English language paper contains 200 questions of 1 mark each. SSC deducts 0.25 marks for every wrong answer. The Maths paper consists of 100 questions of 2 marks each. SSC deducts 0.5 marks for every wrong answer in this paper. The time duration for each paper is 2 hours.

All the candidates must take these 2 papers. Paper 3 (Statistics) is only for candidates who have opted for “Statistical investigator & compiler”. Paper 4 (General studies – Finance and Economics) is only for candidates who have opted for Assistant Audit officer (AAO).

The tier 3 exam is a descriptive test of 1 hour for 100 marks.
The tier 4 exam consists of Data entry speed test (DEST) and computer proficiency test (CPT). For most of the posts, these tests are of the qualifying nature.

SSC prepares the final merit list using the cumulative scores of the aspirant in tier 1, tier 2 and tier 3 exam.

As we can see, English language and Maths account for about 500 marks of the total 700 marks.

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How to prepare for SSC CGL English language section:

The English section is not comprehension heavy like banking exams. Therefore, aspirants must be thorough with the grammar topics. The topics that one must prepare for to ace this section are direct to indirect speech, active to passive voice, common errors in English usage. Apart from these topics, one can expect questions from reading comprehension and para jumbles. Having a reading habit helps a great deal in answering these questions.

How to prepare for SSC CGL Quantitative Aptitude section:

SSC asks questions from almost all the topics under the quants section. Aspirants can get a detailed account of the various topics that appear in the exam and the method to prepare for each topic by going through quantitative aptitude for SSC CGL.

How to prepare for SSC CGL Reasoning section:

The reasoning section accounts for a total of 50 marks in the exam. The questions that appear are usually of the stand-alone type. SSC usually refrains from asking puzzles. The questions are usually simple in this section. Reasoning for SSC CGL can help aspirants to know about how to prepare for this section in detail.

How to prepare for SSC CGL (GK) General Awareness Section:

Most of the questions in this section are static by nature. The GA section of SSC CGL is radically different from the GA section of banking exams. More often than not, this section turns out to be the make or break section in the prelims exam. As the return on time invested during the exam is very high, aspirants must try to maximize their scores in this section. GK compendium for competitive exams and general awareness for SSC CGL can help aspirants to prepare well for this section.

SSC CGL Previous solved papers

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We hope that this article would have helped you to know how to prepare for SSC CGL 2018 exam. For more useful articles, try reading General science for SSC CGL and SSC CGL English preparation tips.


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