Railways Quant Test 177


Use the following passage for the questions based on it.
Rahul and Kusum are good in Hindi and Maths. Sameer and Rahul are good in Hindi and Biology. Gita and Kusum are good in Marathi and Maths. Sameer, Gita and Mihir are good in History and Biology.

Q 1

Who is good in both Biology and Marathi?

Q 2

Who is good in only Hindi, Marathi and Maths?

Q 3

Who is good in Maths, Biology and Hindi?


For the following questions answer them individually

Q 4

On sports day, if 30 children were made to stand in a column, then 16 columns could be formed. If 24 children were made to stand in a column, then how many columns could be formed ?

Q 5

Simplify the following (3080 + 6160) + 28 = ?

# Name Overall Score
1 Eshana Kasyap 5
2 abhinay vyda 5
3 Awanti Ranjan 5
4 Nandu Meela 5
5 Sahil Beniwal 5
6 Sourav Jana 5
7 sk Saiful 5
8 Vishnu Yadav 5
9 Piyush Thakur 5
10 Rolex 5

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