Question 11

X and Y are running towards each other from their houses. X can reach Y’s house in 25 minutes which is half the time taken by Y to run from his house to X’s house. If the two start to run towards each otherat the same time, then how much more time it will be required by Y to reach the middle of houses ?


Time taken by X to reach Y's house = 25 minutes and by Y to reach X's house = 50 min

Ratio of time taken = $$1:2$$

$$\because$$ speed is inversely proportional to time, let speed of X = $$2x$$ km/min and speed of Y = $$x$$ km/min and distance between their houses = $$2d$$ km

Using, speed = distance/time

=> $$x=\frac{2d}{50}=\frac{d}{25}$$

=> $$\frac{d}{x}=25$$ -------------(i)

Now, time taken by Y to travel $$d$$ km, i.e. mid way = $$\frac{d}{x}$$

= $$25$$ minutes

Now, time taken by X to travel $$d$$ km, i.e. mid way = $$\frac{d}{2x}$$

= $$12.5$$ minutes

So, the correct answer is $$25-12.5=12.5$$ minutes

=> Ans - (D)

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